
longtime adj.長期的。


However , jack is reluctant to speak out against his boss , who is highly respected , longtime employee of burt ' s burgers 但是杰克不愿在老板面前說出這些,因為他是一個在伯氏餡餅公司供職多年的很受人尊敬的員工。

Then , adding sr which is a longtime modification element for al - si alloys , we hope to change the shape of si at the same time 在此基礎上,進一步加入al - si合金的長效變質元素sr ,同時達到改變si形貌的目的。

The two leaders met at camp david for the first time since brown took office , replacing bush ' s longtime ally tony blair 這是自從哥頓?布朗取代布什的長期盟友通尼?布萊爾接任以來兩位領導人首次在戴維營會晤。

It ' s “ common sense “ that celebrities are narcissists , said jeremy ritzlin , a longtime hollywood psychologist who has not seen the study 好萊塢資深心理學家曾經說過,名人都比較自戀,這已是個“常識” 。

Dallas schoo , the irish rock band ' s longtime guitar technician , told reporters he regretted the sale of the guitar 這個愛爾蘭搖滾樂隊的長期吉他技師達拉斯斯庫在接受記者采訪時說,他后悔賣掉了這把吉他。

Dallas schoo , the irish rock band ' s longtime guitar technician , told reporters he regretted the sale of the guitar 這個愛爾蘭搖滾樂隊的長期吉他技師達拉斯?斯庫在接受記者采訪時說,他后悔賣掉了這把吉他。

It ' s “ common sense “ that celebrities are narcissists , said jeremy ritzlin , a longtime hollywood psychologist who has not seen the study 好萊塢資深心理學家曾經說過,名人都比較自戀,這已是個“常識” 。

Longtime collaborators with schafer , jerrard and diana smith will design sets and costumes , and chris clifford will design the lighting 一個女生合唱團,一個太極拳隊,和一個游泳隊,四只舟,四位弓箭手。

The two leaders met at camp david for the first time since brown took office , replacing bush ' s longtime ally tony blair 此次戴維營會面是布朗取代布什長期謀友布萊爾,走馬上任后,兩位領導人首次會面。

The two leaders met in camp david for the first time since brown took office replacing bush ' s longtime ally tony blair 自從布朗接替布什的長期盟友布萊爾就任首相一職以來,這是雙方領導人的首次會晤。

Longtime activity of exposing the old to the scoring sunshine without a straw hat and a gentle - colored dress can suffer heatstroke 老人要避免長時間在烈日下活動,外出時要戴草帽,穿淺色衣,預防中暑

It was during that time he began his longtime association with dave grusin on soundtracks and other recordings , which reached a crescendo on 自七十年代起,萊特諾在電臺音樂節目中取得甚高知名度。

They have been through marriage , kids and divorce with each other and communicate in that shorthand that longtime friends have 他們都經歷了結婚,生子,離婚的過程,作為老朋友也經常在一起溝通。

The two leaders met at camp david for the first time since brown took office , replacing bush ' s longtime ally tony blair 布朗繼任后取代布萊爾成為布什的新盟友,這是兩位領導人首次在戴維營會晤。

In running for mayor of the city of 4 million klitschko is taking on his longtime friend and former boxing patron 在這個擁有400萬人口的城市競選市長,克里奇科啟用他的長期伙伴和前拳擊贊助人。

The two leaders met at camp david for the first time since brown took office , replacing bush ' s longtime ally tony blair 自布朗取代布什長期盟友布萊爾執政以來,兩位領導人首次在戴維營會晤。

Most of her clients spend $ 12 to $ 50 weekly , but last month two longtime customers suddenly stopped showing up 參考譯文:她的客戶多數每周花12到50美元,可是上個月兩名老客戶突然就不來了。

The two leaders met at camp david for the first time since brown took office , replacing bush ' s longtime ally tony blair 自從不懶接替布什的老搭檔托泥?布萊爾后,這是兩位元首第一次會晤。

But a longtime cfs researcher says the complex disorder is not likely to be so easily explained 但是,長期研究慢性疲勞綜合征的學者指出不大可能如此容易的解釋這種復雜的紊亂性疾病。