
longshoreman 碼頭搬運工人;近海漁民;〔口語〕海濱零雜工人。


In an interview with radio 19 in bristol , mr prescott said that he identified with one of the star ' s most famous early roles as the former boxer turned longshoreman , terry malloy , in the film on the waterfront . asked who he would would like to play him in a film version of his life , he replied : “ i ' ll take marlon brando in on the waterfront 據每日郵報4月14日報道,普雷斯科特在接受英國布里斯托爾廣播電臺采訪時說,他非常喜歡好萊塢著名影星馬龍白蘭度在電影碼頭風云中的表演,白蘭度的角色和自己的生活經歷很相似,因此如果要為自己的電影主角挑選演員,他就會選白蘭度。

A previous factory worker longshoremen , ice cream seller 以前做過工廠工人碼頭工人和冰淇淋小販

Neat bit of work , longshoreman one said “刺得蠻精巧嘛, ”一個碼頭搬運工人說。