
longman n.朗曼〔姓氏〕。


Take longman backpack children english teaching material as a link and also take effective teachers training , market training , management training and the headquarters synthesis advertisement support as the safeguard , and provided a best choice for the domestic general youth in china 最后,為了保證環球亞太教育咨詢有限公司營銷戰略的有效實施,又分析了該公司的營銷組織的建設、廣告策略和營銷業務推廣流程,有效的保證了該公司以特許經營開展少兒英語培訓業務營銷戰略的有效執行。

The oxford dictionary can therefore stand more vigorous scrutiny for cultural bias than the longman dictionary because the latter does not hesitate about viewing the rest of the world from the cultural perspectives of the english - speaking world 因此, 《牛津詞典》比《朗讀曼詞典》更經得起文化偏見的嚴格審視,因為后者總是說英語國家的視角來評判其他國家的文化現象。

The oxford dictionary can therefore stand more vigorous scrutiny for cultural bias than the longman publication because the latter does not hesitate about viewing the rest of the world from the cultural perspectives of the english speaking world 因此,牛津詞典比郎文詞典更經得起對文化偏見的嚴格審視,因為后者總是以說英語國家的視角來評判其他國家的文化現象。

Milton , john . paradise lost . 2nd ed . edited by alastair fowler . london and new york : longman , 1998 , book ix , lines 511 - 1088 . isbn : 0582215188 . ( download a version of the text from project gutenberg 《失樂園》 ,第二版.由阿拉斯泰爾?福勒編輯.倫敦與紐約:朗曼出版社, 1998 ,第九卷, 511 - 1088行. isbn : 0582215188 . (從古騰堡計劃那里下載一個原文的譯本

Longman pioneered in it education with the formation of electronic publishing department . it publishes multimedia course components to cater for the rising demand in it education in hong kong 合并,成為全球最大的教育出版機構-培生教育出版集團。培生在四十個國家聘有10 , 000位以上員工,以18種語言出版逾40 , 000種教育文本和課程。

Longman pioneered in it education with the formation of electronic publishing department . it publishes multimedia course components to cater for the rising demand in it education in hong kong 朗文為信息科技教學的先峰,領先設立電子出版部專責出版多媒體教材,以配合本港對信息科技教學日益殷切的需求。

Anderson , l . w . and d . r . krathwohl . a taxonomy for learning , teaching , and assessing : a revision of bloom ' s taxonomy of educational objectives . new york : longman , 2001 布魯姆教育目標分類學的修訂版,收進了更多當前教與學方面的知識。書的后半部分專門討論修訂后的分類法在教學和評價方面的實踐應用。

Mr longman insists that big drugs firms must move towards a “ disaggregated ” model to focus on a few core areas of competence , such as drug discovery , development or marketing 朗曼認為,大型制藥公司必須尋求分散經營,把精力集中在小部分核心領域內,比如藥物的發現,研究,市場運作。

The art of computer programming , seminumerical algorithms volume 2 , edition 3 addison wesley longman , inc . , october 1997 , isbn 0201896842 . visit rst to read about their 關注于縱深防御(它提倡使用多個防御策略)和保護故障(指出了系統故障與系統的薄弱環節未必是相同的這一概念) 。

Miss susanna cheung attained her bachelor of education ( hons ) in the chinese university of hong kong and was awarded with scholarships from longman and chung chi college 張美娟小姐畢業于香港中文大學,取得語文教育榮譽學士學位,并獲朗文出版社及祟基書院頒發獎學金。

Bro95 frederick p . brooks , jr . 1995 . the mythical man - month - essays on software engineering 2nd ed . reading , ma , addison wesley longman 一本經典著作,接觸軟件開發的人員應反復研讀本書。我們給讀者推薦這一版是20周年紀念版,不是1975年的原版。

Sinclair j , a renouf . a lexical syllabus for language learning [ c ] / / in r carter , m mccarthy ( eds . ) . vocabulary and language teaching . harlow : longman , 1988 : 141 - 160 王龍吟,何安平.基于語料庫的外語教學與二語習得的鏈接[ j ] .外語與外語教學, 2005 ( 3 )

Addison - wesley longman , 1998 and a principal contributor to the management philosophy inherent in the rational unified process ( addison - wesley longman , 1998 )一書的作者以及rational統一過程的內在管理理念的主要提出者。

James sambrook , the eighteenth century : the intellectual and cultural context of english literature ( longman , 1994 ) , p . 11 見吳景榮、劉意青編寫的《英國十八世紀文學史》 ,外語教學與研究出版社2000年版, 6 - 7頁

Trevor taylor , “ power politics ” , in trevor taylor ( ed . ) approaches and theories in international relations , longman , 1978 , p . 124 漢斯?摩根索: 《國家間政治? ?為權力與和平而斗爭》 (中譯本,徐昕等譯) ,第37頁。

Miller , d . c . handbook of research design and social measurement . 4th ed . new york : longman , 1983 一份有關研究信息的概要,包括數據收集方法、統計學、可獲得的量表和測量指標、贊助來源、出版商,等等。

International book publishers operating in hong kong include oxford university press , longman , readers digest and macmillan 在香港有業務的國際書籍出版商包括牛津大學出版社、朗文、讀者文摘和麥美倫。

Longman sanitary hardware co . , ltd is a professional manufactory of fashionable sanitary hardware from designing and producing to selling 朗曼衛浴是一家設計、生產、銷售時尚衛浴掛件的專業制造商。

In longman dictionary of contemporary english , you will see cctv is the abbreviation of “ closed circuit television “ 你要是查閱《朗文當代英語詞典》就會發現cctv是“閉路電視”的縮寫