
longish adj.稍長的,略長的。


Similarly , when meditations on my herb garden led me to think of the miniature landscapes of japanese gardening , i found myself ( in “ thyme flowering among rocks “ ) adopting the haiku form ? or rather adapting it , since i furnished it with rhymes and used it as a stanza in a longish argument 類似的例子是我對著我的百草園陷入沉思的時候聯想到日本園林藝術中的盆景,便(在《石頭間開花的百里香》中)不覺用了俳句形式? ?或者說化用了俳句,因為我押了韻并且把它作為詩節,寫得比較長。

Its longish hood and two - tone interior cloak a responsive chassis that incorporates a fully independent suspension and rack - and - pinion steering , tuned to handle everything from rough pavement to highway curves 它修長的折式車篷和兩種色調的內部裝飾下,隱藏著是一個可對駕駛做出靈敏反應的底盤,其中融合了一個完全獨立的懸架和齒條齒輪式轉向裝置,它們可應付起伏不平的路面和高速公路轉彎的各種情況。

And , since asian economies are now firmly on a recovery path , allowing for a longish gestation period to ensure the long - term viability of the business , this is also a good time for embarking on it 此外,放眼亞洲各地經濟正穩步復蘇,正好有利于這類公司的誕生和孕育,原因是這種環境可容許它們有一段較長的時間逐漸探索和成長,確保長遠上能取得商業效益。

The successive 25 basis point hikes , spread over a longish period , will hopefully give adequate time for the recovery of the hong kong economy to gather greater momentum and put it in a better position to absorb the burden 在一段較長的期間內分幾次調高利率,每次調整25基點,相信有足夠時間讓香港經濟的復蘇動力增強,能承受加息的壓力。

While the budgeted figure may be reasonable as an average over a longish period , it is bound to be different from the actual out - turn , possibly quite significantly given financial market volatility 雖然以長期平均數來衡量,預算數字是合理的,但它與實際結果肯定每年都會有出入,而且由于金融市場波動,差別更可能會相當顯著。

He had found a longish fir - tree lying felled an trimmed in the enclosure , and , with the help of hunter , he had set it up at the corner of the log - house where the trunks crossed and made an angle 他在柵欄內找到了一棵砍好并削去枝條的長樅樹干,在亨特的幫助下,把它豎在了木屋角上樹干互相交叉的地方。

A book fully bound , gilt - edges , entitled : manon lescaut . there s something written on the first page : ten francs . twelve , said a voice , after a longish silence “精裝書一冊,裝訂考究,書邊燙金,書名瑪儂萊斯科,扉頁上寫著幾個字,十法郎。 ”

She sat there with bare shoulders and longish breasts faintly golden . he loved to make her breasts swing softly , like bells 和兩只有點垂長而帶金色的乳房,他喜歡把她的乳房象吊鐘似的輕輕搖著。

With a few longish rallies the greenback has been on a downward trend since it came off the gold standard in 1971 自從1971年美元脫離金本位,就一直處于跌勢,其間只有為數不多的幾次跌后復升。

I am very happy where i am , which is why i signed a longish term contract in the first place 我非常滿意自己所在的車隊,這就是我為什么首先就簽下了一份長期合同的原因。

And the longish slope of her haunches and her buttocks had lost its gleam and its sense of richness 臀部兩旁和臀尖的下傾,已失掉了它的光輝和富麗的神態了。

It represented a very dark brunette with a longish face and lips pursed up in a discreet smile 照片上是一個棕色頭發的婦女,長長的臉,雙唇緊閉,暗暗笑著。

Longish hair , and he walked with a cane 長頭發,還有他拄著拐杖走路