
longicorn adj.有長角的;具長觸角的〔如某些甲蟲〕。


In the second section , 186 species ( subspecies ) of longicorn beetles from maoershan natural reserve , which belong to 5 subfamilies 100 genera , are recorded . classification keys to subfamilies , genera and species are presented . among the species recorded , genus magninia clermont , species magninia tonkinea clermont and eutaenia tanoi breuning are all new to china and 13 species are not named yet 在所記錄的天牛中,刺墨天牛屬magniniaclermont為中國新記錄屬,越北刺墨天牛magniniatonkineaclermont和老撾帶天牛eutaeniatanoibreuning為中國新記錄種, 13種暫未定名。

The results show that season has remarkable effect on component of cerambycidae community , which suggests that longicorn beetles occur much seasonally ; habitat type also has large effect on it , which reflects the dependence of longicorn beetles on host plant ; but altitude gradient has smaller effect on it , which is a result of the fact that longicorn beetles “ larvae live all their life inside the stem of host plant and are seldom influenced by outside surroundings 結果表明,月份對天牛群落組成影響顯著,天牛的發生具有明顯的季節性;生境類型對天牛群落組成也有很大影響,體現了天牛對寄主植物的依賴性;海拔對天牛群落組成的影響較小,這與天牛幼蟲終生生活在寄主植物莖內,受外界環境影響較小有關。

Community ' s a diversity is measured by simpson diversity index , shannon - wiener diversity index and pielou evenness index . the results show that habitats range in a diminishing sequence of diversity indices from broadleaf forest , broadleaf bush , grassland bush to bamboo forest ; that altitude belts range from 600 - to - 1200 - m belt , under - 600 - m belt to 1200 - to - 1800 - m belt , and no longicorn beetles was found above 1800 m ; months from july , may , june to august , a diversity analysis shows that complicated habitats can hold higher biodiversity 結果表明,不同生境多樣性指數從高到低的順序是:闊葉林、闊葉灌叢、灌草叢、竹林;不同海拔多樣性指數從高到低的順序是: 600 ? 1200m區間、 600m以下區間、 1200 ? 1800m區間, 1800m以上區間暫未發現天牛科昆蟲;不同月份多樣性指數從高到低的順序是: 7月、 5月、 6月、 8月。

The research progress of pine wood nematode in aspects of disease - resistant mechanism , pattern of activities and proliferation of the nematode in tree ( trunk ) , the relationship between nematode and longicorn , biological control and application of the new technologies in the research fields were discussed 在松樹的抗(感)病機理、線蟲在樹體內的活動與增殖規律、線蟲與天牛的關系、生物防治以及新技術在研究中的應用等方面取得較大進展。