
longhand 普通寫法 (opp. shorthand).


If you don t want to buy an editor to help you get around this - and many people don t , for various reasons including taste , principle , and the sheer intractibility of creating a general - purpose xml editor - then you re stuck editing in longhand 如果您不想購買編輯器來避開這些問題許多人由于各種不同的理由不愿這樣做,比如習慣、原則以及創建通用xml編輯器的極端困難您就只能使用一般的編輯方式。

Hazzard is a distinctly non - populist author : she writes in longhand , took more than a decade to complete her winning novel , doesn ' t own a tv and has never read a stephen king novel 雪莉就是個典型的非暢銷書作家,她的創作周期很長,她用十多年的時間才完成自己的得獎小說,自己家里連電視都沒有,也從來沒看過金的小說。

Longhand and shorthand without looking up from their notebooks . loosen his boots 依舊低頭看著記錄冊讓他放松一點。

I have to translate these shorthand notes into longhand 我得將這些速記的筆記譯成普通文字。