
longfellow n.1.朗費羅〔姓氏〕。2.Henry Wadswort...


There are times when i am light - headed from want of sleep , times when death , with its rest and sleep , is a positive lure to me , times when i am haunted by longfellow s lines : “ the sea is still and deep ; all things within its bosom sleep ; a single step and all is o er , a plunge , a bubble , and no more 有時候我因為缺少睡眠把頭腦弄得很清醒,有時能帶來休息和睡眠的死亡對我成了嚴重的誘惑,那時朗賽羅的詩總京回在我的腦際: “大海是那樣平靜幽邃,懷里的一切都沉沉安睡向前一步便一了百了,一跳,一串泡,萬事全消。

A psalm of life was henry wadsworth longfellow ' s masterpiece , the poet expressed an active , positive and optimistic attitude towards life , with the addition of its beautiful tone and sensitive feeling , it was well known in ameration 摘要《生命的頌歌》是19世紀美國著名詩人朗費羅的名篇,以其音韻優美,抒情細膩,情緒明朗而廣為傳播。

Psalm of life was henry wadsworth longfellow ' s masterpiece , the poet expressed an active , positive and optimistic attitude towards life , with the addition of its beautiful tone and sensitive feeling , it was well known in ameration 摘要《生命的頌歌》是19世紀美國著名詩人朗費羅的名篇,以其音韻優美,抒情細膩,情緒明朗而廣為傳播。

If we could read the secret history of our enemies , we should find in each man ' s life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility ( henry wadsworth longfellow 如果我們能夠讀懂我們敵人的內心私史,我們就會在每個人的生活中找到足夠的悲傷和痛苦來消釋所有的敵意(亨利?瓦茲沃斯?朗費羅) 。

Much has been made of mark twain ' s reception at a boston dinner when he attempted to poke good - natured fun at longfellow , emerson , and whittier 人們時常提到馬克?吐溫在波士頓一個晚宴上所受到的冷遇,當時他是想善意地開朗費羅?愛默生和惠蒂埃的玩笑。

Henry wadsworth longfellow wrote , all are architects of fate . so look not mournfully into the past . it comes not back again 亨利.沃茲渥斯.朗費羅曾經寫道,我們都是命運的建筑師。所以不要總是抱憾過去。過去的將一去不復返。

We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing , while others judge us by what we have already done . - - - henry wadsworth longfellow 判斷標準不一樣,我們要學會換位思考,才有可能真正做到希臘古人說的“認識你自己” 。

“ when kavanagh was present , alice was happy , but embarrassed ; cecelia , joyous and natural ” ( henry wadsworth longfellow ) “當卡瓦納出現時,愛麗斯很高興但有點窘迫;切切里,快樂而自然” (亨利?沃茲沃斯?朗費羅) 。

In addition longfellow ' s successful employment of rhetoric devices also makes the poem win the immortal fame over the years 此外,該詩之所以流傳百年而不衰,還歸功于詩人許多修辭手法的成功運用。

Henry wadsworth longfellow once wrote , all of us are architects of fate , living in these walls of time 亨利.沃茲渥斯.朗費羅曾經寫道,我們都是命運的建筑師,構筑著時代之墻。

Longfellow was granted leave of absence in order for him to visit germany “ for the benefit of his health “ “為了有益于健康” ,朗費羅被獲準假期去德國一游。

With a sudden revulsion his heart recoiled from its purpose ( henry wadsworth longfellow 因為突然的變化,他放棄了它的目的(亨利?華茲伍茲?朗費羅) 。

Longfellow deeds : tell me , walter , are all these stories i hear about my uncle true 第茲:告訴我,沃爾特,我聽到的關于你叔叔的事情都是真的嗎?

Henry w longfellow is an outstanding poet in the american literature of romantic period 摘要亨利? w ?朗費羅是美國浪漫主義文學時期杰出的詩人。

“ again the young friends gave way to their mirth ” ( henry wadsworth longfellow ) “年輕的朋友們又一次歡笑起來” (亨利?華茲渥斯?朗費羅) 。

Longfellow is probably one of the best poets in the history of american literature 朗費羅也許是美國文學史上最偉大的詩人之一。

Art is long , and time is fleeting . ( henry wadsworth longfellow ) “藝術無盡,而人生有涯” (亨利?沃茲華斯?朗費羅) 。

How much do you know about the works of henry wadsworth longfellow 有關亨利?沃茲沃思?朗費羅的作品你知道多少?

That longfellow chap most likely had written countless books of poetry 朗費羅那家伙很可能寫了無數本詩集呢。