
longevity n.1.長壽。2.長期供職,資歷。短語和例子longev...


Skeletal longevity research time reduced to 15 seconds from 30 seconds 延長骷髏壽命的升級時間從30秒降低到15秒。

Longevity of digital documents 論數字文獻的壽命

Master presented a longevity lamp designed by herself to thomas as a gift 師父贈送她所設計的萬歲燈給湯瑪斯。

A power for vitality longevity 生存與長壽的威力:

The two main elements of the garden are longevity hill and kunming lake 園中有兩大主要景觀? ?萬壽山和昆明湖。

On the relation between irony and despair in the novel the boundless longevity temple 兼談處置絕望的文學手段

Ayurveda literally means ' the science of living ' ( longevity ) 阿育吠陀按字面意思是“生命(長壽)的科學” 。

Why did you look at red wines from areas of higher longevity 為什么你選擇長壽地區的紅葡萄酒作為研究的對象?

These guardians were given considerable power and longevity 這些守護者被贈予非常強大的法力能量和長久的壽命

Fabrics used shall include uv - stabilizers and fire retardants for longevity and safety 篷架底與面溫差10

“ the five realms “ - a new longevity lamp 最新萬歲燈五界

“ genetic engineering “ must be applied to increase the longevity of humans 應該利用基因工程延長人類的壽命

On longevity tourism planning 打造長壽旅游規劃形象戰略

They light up my heart - the enchanting beauty of master s longevity lamps 光明照我心-神游萬歲燈的造型美

Peach is the same longevity , it is said to ensure good material birthday 壽桃同壽,是延年祝壽的好題材。

A cluster of grand buildings adorn the middle section of the longevity hill 頤和園有一組巨大的建筑群。

I want to wish you longevity and health 愿你健康長壽!

To extend mould utility longevity , to shorten injection cycle 提高模具的使用壽命,縮短注塑成型周期。

V i want to wish you longevity and health 愿你健康長壽!