
longe n.1.練馬長繩。2.使用練馬繩練馬。vt.(longe...


The high - power semiconductor quantum well ( qw ) laser is a kind of luminescence device with superior performance , it has longe - lived , low threshold current density , high efficiency , high luminosity and excellent monochromatic , coherence , directionality , etc . the high - power semiconductor laser is widely applied to the fields , such as military , industrial machining , communication , information processing , medical treatment , etc . the material ' s epitaxy is the foundation of the whole laser ' s fabricating , and it has important influence on the optics and electricity performance about the laser 大功率半導體量子阱激光器是一種性能優越的發光器件,具有壽命長、閾值電流密度低、效率高、亮度高以及良好的單色性、相干性、方向性等特點,廣泛應用于軍事、工業加工、通信及信息處理、醫療保健等領域。材料的外延生長是整個激光器器件制作的基礎,對器件的光學和電學性能有著重要的影響,生長不出優質的材料體系,獲得高性能的器件就無從談起,因此,材料的外延生長便成為了整個半導體激光器制作過程之中的重中之重。

The 35n12 series products ( commonly called as widenning 153 ) are the alloy gray casting iron brake drum that our company and bridge limited company of the east windmill jointly developed , it has such a series of superior performance as wear - resisting decreasing , heat resistant splitting , high strength , balances well , dispels the heat fast , longe - livedding , etc . , formed a complete set extensivly and original packaging on a lot of domestic famous luxurious motor buses ( the occupation rate of market above 70 % ) , for example it is gold for dragon , the coherent in space , ann triumphant , fei shen , daewoo , the capital , tai hu , it is the wild for japan , in majestic , the changjiang river , explaining fertile 35n12系列產品(俗稱加寬153 )是我公司與東風車橋有限公司聯合研制開發的合金灰鑄鐵制動鼓,它具有耐磨損、抗熱裂、高強度、平衡好、散熱快、壽命長等一系列優越性能,被廣泛原裝配套于國內許多著名豪華大客車上(市場占有率在70 %以上) ,比如金龍、宇通、安凱、沈飛、大宇、京華、太湖、日野、中威、長江、申沃等。

Our factory produce electric toothbrush series , washing machine fittings , sanitary ware and fittings , mechanic fittings series , plastics one series , punching a series , adopt and import ceramic valve core ensure the quality of products steady , with novel products handsome in appearance , easy to use getting longe - lived characteristic , dark recipient s big users appreciate , the products sell well in all parts of the country and american - european area of southeast asia 本廠主要生產電動牙刷系列洗衣機配件系列潔具及配件系列機械配件系列塑料件系列沖壓件系列,產品以款式新穎造型美觀深受方大用戶贊賞,產品暢銷全國各地及歐美東南亞地區。

This machine adopts the piston to measure , collect the electromechanics , pneumatic in an organic whole , controlled by plc , the structure is compact , designs rationally , pour into accurately , operate the characteristic such as being reliable , work and with high efficiency , longe - lived steadily 該機采用活塞計量,集機電、氣動于一體,由plc控制,結構緊湊,設計合理,具有灌裝精確,運行穩定可靠、工作效率高、壽命長等特點。

In modem torpedo homing technology , in general , advanced algorithm of signal processing must take longe time in computing , so it is clear that we need to use high - speed signal processor system to do it in real time 在現代魚雷自導技術中,一般的信號處理先進算法計算量都相當大,要求用高速并行數字信號處理機系統才能實時完成。本課題提出了基于adsp ? 2106x完成魚雷自導算法。

Be quick , i can ` t wait any longe after . the film will start in 10 minutes 快點,我等不及了。電影再有十分鐘就開始了。

The wind amount is heavy , obstruction is low , longe - lived 風量大阻力低壽命長。