
longan n.1.【植物;植物學】龍眼。2.龍眼(指果實),桂圓。


Maoming ubridge group yuexi fruit industry development company produces longan with thick pulp and small nucleus . the pulp is clarity and delicious 茂名粵橋集團粵西果業開發有限公司出產的眼果型大色澤好,肉厚核小晶瑩透明甜脆可口,植株壽命長

Lychee is juicy and longan is sweet , our tang court chef prepare a range of fruity dishes with lychee and longan , for a efreshing fuity meal 盛夏荔鮮龍眼甜,唐宮廚師選用新鮮的荔枝和龍眼炮制出多款特色菜肴,清新美味,不容錯過。

2 . in the period of developing longan ' s planting , the input of the government is a main factor of restricting orchard peasants “ planting of longan 2 、在發展龍眼種植期間,政府的投入與否是制約果農是否種植龍眼的主要因素。

In the period of longan ' s putting into production , price is a main factor of restricting the increase of the orchard peasants ' income 4 、在龍眼投產期間,價格問題是制約果農增收的主要因素。

This tourist , miss chen said that it tastes a little like dried longan . it ' s sweet like dried longan not fresh longan 游客陳小姐:它有一點龍眼乾的甜味。是龍眼乾,不是生的龍眼。

Remove the shell and pits of longan , peel the grape and remove the seeds . dice the tomato and leave aside 將龍眼去殼去核,紅提子去皮去核;蕃茄切粒待加入汁料同煮用。

4 take longan kudzuvine xinxue tablets together if patient is accompanying with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases 若并發心腦血管病,加服葛欣雪片。

A fuzzy artificial neural network model for summing - up evaluation of the processing characteristics in longan 龍眼加工性狀綜合評價的模糊人工神經網絡模型

Effects of magnesium deficiency on the yield and distribution of photosynthate of longan dimocarpus longana loure 缺鎂對龍眼光合產物生產和分配的影響

In the 5th year under longan s reign in the eastern jin dynasty . monk beidu built a simple temple here 東晉隆安五年401年,僧人杯渡曾在此筑室為庵

Effect of aluminum stress on the content of protein and nucleic acid of longan dimocarpus longan seedlings 鋁脅迫對龍眼幼苗蛋白質和核酸含量的影響

The general situation of longan and the main points of making longan wine are introduced 摘要淺述了龍眼的概況及發酵成龍眼酒的工藝要點。

Determination of trace elements in arillus longan seeded by flame atomic absorption spectrometry 火焰原子吸收光譜法測定龍眼肉中微量元素

Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for the characters of different longan varieties processing juice in guangxi 加工果汁性狀的模糊綜合評判

Red dates and longan tea helps to improve blood circulation and restore body balance 桂圓紅棗茶有改善血液循環、安定精神之功效。

Rinse the dried longan pulp , peel and cube the pineapples , put in a saucepan 桂圓肉洗凈菠蘿去皮切丁炒鍋放中火上,加清水500克

25g dried longan pulp 桂圓肉25克

Longan red dates drink 桂圓紅棗茶

Harbin longan mansion 哈爾濱安大廈