
long-term adj.1.長期的;時間持續很長的。2.(資本、借貸等的...

long-term memory

It is necessary to segregate the immediate seed production function from the long-term goal of developing broad-based genetic populations, by continuous breeding . 為此,應該把直接生產種子的任務,與為了連續育種,以培育廣闊遺傳物種這一長遠育種目標分開,是很必要的。

This difference between the prophetic and the engineering character of sciences does not correspond to the difference between long-term and short-term predictions . 預言的科學性和工程的科學性的這種區別不同于長期預測和短期預測之間的區別。

The free market accounts for only about 15 percent of world sugar trade; the rest is shipped under long-term or preferential agreements . 自由市場只占世界食糖貿易的15左右,其余則根據長期、或者特惠協定進行交易。

Rising prices tend to raise incomes in the short term, so their long-term effects are obscured by the constant stream of new policies . 價格上揚會在短期內增加收入,但其長期影響卻被不斷出臺的新政策掩蓋了。

The chance for palliation and long-term survival is greater with metastatic breast carcinoma than with any other late malignant disease . 乳腺轉移癌得到緩解和長期生存的機會大于其它惡性腫瘤的轉移癌。

Although there has been long-term producers, the occurrences are generally small, many consisting of mere showings of sulfide . 雖然有些地區長期產鎳,但產量很少,其中有許多地區只有硫化物的痕跡。

For long-term tissue cultures of domestic carrot the only requirement for adventive embryogeny was addition of an auxin . 栽培的胡羅卜進行長期組織培養時,對不定胚發生的唯一要求是加進植物生長素。

It is important that both sides maintain a restrained attitude, keeping in mind the imperative need for a long-term relationship . 雙方保持克制態度,牢記保持長期關系這一迫切需要,是很重要的。

Long-term recycling of these materials will occur when they are melted to form magmas erupted from the benioff zone . 當這些物質熔融形成巖漿,從貝尼奧夫帶噴發時,這些物質將發生長期的再循環。

High inflation and interest rates have made it more difficult to finance long-term capital-intensive projects . 高通貨膨脹率和高利率使維持長期的、資金密集的項目所遇到的困難更大了。

The long-term social threat posed by uncontrolled soil erosion raises profound questions of intergenerational equity . 土壤侵蝕帶來的長期社會威脅會造成兩代人之間的不公平。

For long-term climatic forecasting the attention in numerical modelling should be directed towards the ocean . 對于長期氣候預報來說,數值模式化的注意力主要應針對海洋。

It offers collections of books and materials on permanent long-term or short-term loan to school of all kinds . 它把藏書和資料提供給各類學校作固定的長期或短期的借閱。

He told me of the discussion about a long-term agreement which of course, is my pet project . 他把談判長期協議的情況告訴了我,長期協議當然是我最拿手的項目。

Much time was devoted to avoidance rather than implementation of a long-term program . 很多時間不是用于執行長期計劃,而是避免長期計劃。

I use the term to include “periphysis“ or the long-term persistence of position . 我所用這個詞包括“周圍效應”即是長期保持部位效應。

The long-term perspective and challenge is one of sustained growth of productivity . 長期預測和挑戰是一個有關生產力持續增長的問題。

We need to establish a long-term program for rebuilding america's arteries of commerce . 我們需要建立長期的方案重建美國的商業中樞。

The sensory system may also undergo long-term adaptation in alien environments . 感覺系統對陌生的環境可能經過長時期才能適應。