
long-range adj.遠程的;長期的 ( a long-range f...


I moved into positions charged with long-range planning key associates whom i had recruited for the national security council staff . 我將原來為國家安全委員會物色的一些主要的同事,調到負責長遠規劃的崗位上。

The press corps accompanying nixon did not concern themselves with the long-range implications of the journey . 尼克松的隨行記者團并不關心此行的深遠意義。

If what you say is accurate, roosevelt is pronouncing a long-range doom on all free men . 如果你說的話沒錯,羅斯福是在對全體自由人宣布長期的厄運。

Phenomena in the universe are ruled by two long-range forces, gravity and electromagnetism . 宇宙界的各種現象由兩種長程力,即引力和電磁力所支配。

Such extreme weather underscored the need to develop accurate long-range forecasts . 這種極端的天氣情況強化了發展準確的長期天氣預報的需要。

Phenomena in the universe are ruled by two long-range forces, gravity and magnetism . 宇宙界的各種現象由兩種長程力,即引力和磁力所支配。

This is called short-range order, in contrast with the long-range order of a solid crystal . 這稱之為短程序,以區別于固態晶體的長程序。

We must plan a program covering our immediate and our long-range needs . 我們必須做出一個為目前以及為長期需要打算的計劃。

How shall short-range plans be coordinated with long-range plans ? 短期規劃與長期規劃如何相互協調一致?

They include short-range forces and long-range forces . 它們包括近程部隊和遠程部隊。

Long-range goals are normally set by a parent company . 一般由母公司制定長遠的目標。