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long wave 【無線電】長波。


Based on karl marx ' s greatest work “ capital ” and combined with considerable quantities of historical materials such as all kinds of writings about economic long wave both at home and abroad , the paper analyzes four inherently identical waves , tries to draw a fluctuating graph of the world economy with the wavelength supposed to be 50 years , and then forecasts the future of the world 本文在馬克思《資本論》的基礎上,結合大量歷史資料和國內外有關經濟長波的著作,通過對四種具有內在一致性規律的波動的解析,試圖描繪出一幅周期為50年的世界經濟波動圖卷,進而對世界經濟前景進行預測。

The model for non - linear long wave and the mild slope equation are respectively applied to simulation wave propagation on a classical topography for small size waters - submerged shoal with concentric contours . the differences between them in wave propagation are got through comparing the numerical solutions . and the results are accordant with actual cases 并將非線性長波傳播模型和緩坡方程,分別應用于非線性作用較摘要強、地形為平底與圓形暗礁的組合這一經典物模實驗,比較了二者應用于小尺度水域范圍內波浪傳播變形的具體差別。

The first generation uses the shortwave ( 0 . 8 m - 0 . 9 m ) and multimode fiber , and the second generation uses long wave ( 1 . 3 m , 1 . 5 m ) and singlemode fiber . and now the third generation uses dwdm fiber - communicating technic . sichuan wide band transmission net optical fiber system is an important project of sichuan telecom 寬帶傳輸網從采用短波長( 0 . 8 - 0 . 9 m )和多模光纖的第一代光纖通信技術到采用長波長( 1 . 3 m 、 1 . 55 m )和單模光纖的第二代光纖通信技術發展到了今天采用dwdm ( densewavelengthdivisionmultiplexing )的第三代光纖通信技術。

The maximum of instantaneous global radiation is beyond 1000w / m2 and the ten - days average intensity is 338 . 90w / m2 because of high atmospheric transparency over semi - arid rainfed agriculture region of loess plateau between june and august . global radiation , reflected global radiation and surface long wave radiation emerge the characteristic of daily variations on a typical clear day and cloudy day , whereas atmospheric long wave radiation has not this characteristic . meanwhile , net radiation , latent heat flux sensible heat flux and soil heat flux appear the same characteristic as the mean daily variations above spring wheat field and bare soil on a typical clear day and cloudy day 黃土高原半干旱雨養農業區夏秋季大氣透明度較高,晴天地面的總輻射值最大瞬時值均超過1000w m ~ 2 , 6 8月總輻射旬平均強度為338 . 90w m ~ 2 ;典型晴天和陰天總輻射、反射輻射、地表長波輻射均表現出明顯的日變化特征,而雨天沒有明顯的日循環規律;無論是晴天、陰天還是雨天,大氣長波輻射基本沒有明顯的日變化規律。

Finally , we study the ( 2 + l ) - dimension nonlinear dispersive long wave equation skillfully , we find the self - transformation between the two equations and turn the ( 2 + l ) - dimension nonlinear dispersive long wave equation into a simple ( 2 + l ) - dimension pde . then , with the homogeneous balance method we obtain the hopf - cole transformation between the ( 2 + l ) - dimension pde and the heat equation . through it , we obtain abundant exact solutions of the ( 2 + l ) - dimension nonlinear dispersive long wave equation with the matlab , including the multi - solitary wave solutions ) : = 0 . ( 2 )巧妙的發現了( 1 )與( 2 )之間的自變換,將這個方程組轉化為一個簡單的偏微分方程,并利用齊次平衡法得到了此方程與熱傳導方程之間二維形式的物pf - cofe變換,從而借助m胡ab的符號運算得到了2 + l維非線性色散長波方程包括多孤子解在內的多種新精確解。

This article mainly analyze the several main respects of the theory of hegemony stability , such as hegemony leading to stability and no hegemony making instability ; offered public good by hegemony country and set up the international rule by hegemony country , then through analyzing a series of theories appearing afterwards : the theory of political long waves , the theory of peace and democracy , the theory of single stability and so on 霸權穩定論在不斷地得到修正和發展,因而它的概念會比較籠統,內容比較復雜,本文主要分析了霸權穩定論內容的幾個主要方面: “有霸則穩,無霸不穩” ;霸權國提供公眾商品;霸權國創立國際規則等。

In this paper a system has been developed for studying characteristics of “ clouds and sky “ on the images taken by a whole - sky camera at three different wave bands ( the visible , the infrared , long wave infrared ) , then assessing the presence , distribution , shape , and radiance of clouds over the entire sky using automated cloud decision algorithms and related processing 根據發展自動化云觀測的目標,利用云和晴空大氣在可見光近紅外、熱紅外多波段散射輻射和熱輻射的不同特征,我們嘗試建立一個多波段(可見近、熱紅外)全天空成像輻射觀測系統,進行全天空分波段成像輻射的獲取,定量分析和特征識別,獲得云量、云型、云底高信息,實現對云參數化信息的自動獲取。

It is found that the exciting spectra is moving to long wave with the increasing of eu concentration , emission intensity is rising , the properity of red homochromy is becoming better because of the different quench concentration of emission levels 5do , 5dj and 5d2 - when the concentration of eu is up to 1 . 2mol % , the emission levels 5di and 5d2 is quenching 研究發現,隨著eu濃度的增加,熒光體y2o2s : eu激發光譜發生紅移,發射強度增大,紅色單色性變好,這是因為eu的5d0和sdl 、 5d2發射能級躍遷發光的淬滅濃度不同,當濃度1 . 2mol時,后兩者因交叉弛豫引起濃度淬滅。

In this paper , a quasi - 3d model of nearshore wave - induced currents and long waves is established based on the combination of an averaged integration of surface wave - induced currents equation along water depth , a 2d equation for the solution of vertical structures of the currents and a nonlinear parabolic approximate wave reflection - diffraction equation of mild slope 本文建立了將沿水深積分平均的平面波生流方程和求解波生流垂向結構的二維方程與非線性拋物型近似緩坡波浪折射-繞射傳播方程相結合的完整的準三維的近岸波浪引起的水流及其長波的模型。

With the increasing light adaptive time , the length of rhabdom trended to be longer and proximal pigment trended to spread more widely , but the variation was smaller in full bright light and short wave ( blue ) light conditions than that in long wave ( red ) light condition 藍光照條件下感桿束直徑和長度變化與全光照相似,但近端色素的伸展幅度以藍光下條件最大,紅光次之,均大于全(色)光照條件。復眼結構對短波光(藍光)的敏感性高于長波光(紅光) 。

Mr fogg , in order not to deviate from his course , furled his sails and increased the force of the steam ; but the vessel s speed slackened , owing to the state of the sea , the long waves of which broke against the stern 這真是“急行船偏遇打頭風” 。福克先生為了使船不離開原來的航線,只好卷起船帆,加大馬力前進。由于海上氣候的變化,無論如何,航行的速度總是減低了。

The dike - break long waves cause great damage to polder , and then it is a significant subject for studying the dike - break long wave . it is significant of research for the propagating of the dike - break wave 河堤潰決后的潰堤波會對圩區造成很大的危害,對潰堤波的研究是一個重要課題,研究其演進過程具有重要意義。

At the same time , being compared with application of the model for non - linear long waves , the knowledge of characteristics of wave propagation models in near shore area is deepened further 并通過和非線性長波的數學模型在具體應用中的對比分析,進一步深化了對近岸水域波浪傳播數學模型特點的認識。

Similarly , one can verify where , also satisfy the condition of theorem 0 . 1 . 3 . chapter 2 an interactional phenomenon between long waves and short waves has been studied in various physical situations 第二章長波和短波相互作用的現象是波動理論中的一個研究對象,在許多的物理背景中都有研究

Abstract : the properties of solitary wave solution to multidimensional regulari zed long wave equations is discussed and one of its solitary wave solution is ob tained by direct integral method 文摘:本文討論了高維正則長波方程的孤立波解的性態,同時運用直接積分法獲得了它的一個孤立波解。

All that talk of long waves is distinctly mystical and seems to take the deterministic view of history that human activity is subject to some pre - ordained pattern 所有有關長線波動的論調都截然不同地神秘,它們看起來采納了注定論的觀點,認為人類活動取決于一些事先規定的模式。

The properties of solitary wave solution to multidimensional regulari zed long wave equations is discussed and one of its solitary wave solution is ob tained by direct integral method 本文討論了高維正則長波方程的孤立波解的性態,同時運用直接積分法獲得了它的一個孤立波解。

The short wave is usually described by the schrodinger type equation and the long wave is described by some sort of wave equation accompanied with a dispersive term 通常,短波由schr6dinger型方程描述,長波由某類含有一個色散項的波動方程描述. kawahara等人在

( 3 ) we successfully derived some exact solitary wave solutions of the nonlinear approximate equations with long waves in shallow water by using the hyperbola function method ( 3 )用雙曲函數法,成功得到了非線性淺水長波近似方程組的精確孤立波解。