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long shot 沒有希望當選的候選人。

long suit

I admit she ' s talented in many ways , but being a professional singer is really a long shot 我承認她在許多方面都很有才能,不過要當一個職業歌手實在是不太可能。

She knew she didn ' t have much of chance to get the job . she knew it was a long shot 她心里明白她不大可能會得到這份工作.她知道想得到這份工作對她來講太難了

Getting into that university is a long shot for him , because he doesn ' t have great grades 想被那所大學錄取對他來說有如蹬天之難.因為他的學習成績忒破了

Not an absolute must have for a playmaker but just like long shots , flair can come in handy 對組織核心來說不是必需的,但是就象遠射一樣,有才華更好用。

These rules , though , are not the be - all , end - all of sql performance tuning - not by a long shot 但是,這些規則并不是sql性能調優的最終和最高目標-決不是。

I admit she ' s talented in many ways , but being a professional singer is really long shot 我承認她在許多方面很有天分,但要當一名職業歌手不太可能。

All that said , most physicists still regard hidden variables as a long shot 即使有上述的種種,大多數物理學家還是認為隱變數只是個希望渺茫的想法。

You would be a long shot to complete your graduate studies unless you put your mind to it 除非你很用心努力,否則你的研究所學業很難完成。

Looking for her in the library was a long shot ; i had no idea where she was 在圖書館中想找到她是不大可能成功的嘗試,我不知道她在哪兒。

Suffice it to say , it ' s a long shot for los angeles to climb back up to the sixth seed 說實在的,湖人要想再次回到西部第六,著實不易。

It ' s a long shot , but we ' re not going to give up without a fight 這是一個很少機會成功的嘗試,但是我們不能不做任何努力就放棄了。

I didn ' t do much preparation , so it was a long shot that i would pass the exam 我沒做多少準備,所以要通過考試的勝算不大。

Reaching our sales goal this quarter is a long shot because of the economy 由于經濟原因,本季度我們不太可能能完成銷售目標

It ' s a long shot 這是個風險很大的賭博

The shooting training category covers a player ' s finishing , long shots and composure 射門訓練增加射門,遠射,鎮定

I don ' t work hard , so it is really a long shot for me to pass the exam 我學習不努力,所以我是不可能會通過考試的。

Splashing so it ' s a long shot , 這個賭注風險很大

Sounds like a long shot 聽起來像是個很長的故事

[ splashing ] so it ' s a long shot , 這個賭注風險很大