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long play 慢轉唱片,密紋唱片。

long primer

It seems to be of great importance to change this situation so as to encourage students “ activity , creativity and give students more chances to apply their knowledge in practice . teachers no longer play the role of lecturer . they are more like an organizer , a participator and an instructor 針對此教學現狀提出改革這樣傳統課堂教學,進行“研究性學習”的課堂教學,在此課堂教學中主要體現學生的主體性、探索性、實踐性,教師不再只是知識的授受者,而在其中扮演的是組織者、參與者和指導者。

08 the waxing day till fullmoon day : the real festival days with evening entertainment such as zats a variety of dance , song and short long plays , anyeints a performance of a few hours in which a number of jokers usually four caricature current situations and or persons strung together by a traditional dancer and popular movies shown in open air 戲劇小丑諷刺當前形式的長達多個小時的各種表演和傳統舞蹈的組合露天電影和銷售有各類土產商品的節日集市。此節日還有一處吸引人的地方便是許多牛篷車都成群結隊地聚集在佛塔周圍遮蔭的大樹下。

With the quick development of the market economy of our country , the regulations about the transfer of the rights of shareholders in a limited liability company in the current company law system of our country could no longer play a good role of promotion but conversely form an obstacle to the development of the subjects of the market economy 而隨著市場經濟的蓬勃發展,我國現行公司法律制度關于有限責任公司股東權轉讓的規定對市場經濟主體的發展而言,不僅很難再起到良好的促進作用,相反卻形成阻礙。

Sugar has long played an important role in shueishang s economy . the nantsing sugar mill is still active , and throughout the township you ll see the skeleton of the narrow - gauge rail network once used by the sugar industry 在北回歸線塔旁,設有北回歸線地標展示館,提供天文、歷史與觀光的訊息。惋惜的是,限于經費問題,內部缺乏管理經營,沒有發揮太大的作用。

Unfortunately console controllers have become so complex and have so many buttons including those darn analog joysticks ( that i cannot use ) that i can no longer play most of these games 不幸的是,由于個人控制設置變得如此的復雜,如此多的按鍵需要控制,像游戲柄上面的搖桿等等都需要控制,而對于我說,游戲柄我是不能使用的,逐漸的,這些游戲我也不能玩了。

The prediction period of flood forecast is decided by the flood propagation time to a great extent , and its shorter or longer play an important role in decision of construction scheme during flood period 洪水預報的預見期主要由水量傳播時間決定,預見期的長短對施工渡汛方案的制定有決定性作用。

No center of attention : certain things have changed since avery johnson took over and one of them is that dirk nowitzki no longer plays center . and he won ' t 缺少中鋒:自從艾弗里?約翰遜接管球隊之后,某些事發生了變化,那就是德克?諾維茨基沒有打過中鋒,并且將來也不會。

Best defender of all time and one of the best captains ever . remains a part of the game at a bigger level despite no longer playing , the sign of a true champion 盡管在那屆比賽中,荷蘭隊只屈居亞軍,但是克魯伊夫依靠出神入化的表現為自己贏得了世界杯最佳球員稱號。

There is another venue in berlin which does not call itself a literature house but which has long played a central role on the literary scene 柏林同時還有一個場所,它雖然不叫文學沙龍,但在很久以前就在文學領域中起著相當重要的作用。

The longer played chirp the more caustic energy is cumulated in a chirp and smaller amplitude of the sound wave is necessary 短促聲波播放的時間越長,就有越多劇烈和不穩定的能量被累積在短促聲波中,這樣更小的聲波高度就是必要的了。

The longest playing time of 42 hours , e80 , a stylish md walkman that you can enjoy the excellent sound and its fashion 當時世界最長播放時間( 42小時)的機型,一款讓你能夠充分享受其音質和時尚外型的md

Mdcp : that ' s pretty serious , you mean people who make the upgrade can no longer play their old discs 記者:這樣的后果十分嚴重,你的意思是人們升級了之后將不再能播放他們原有的碟片?

Analogies between the web and the brain have long played a profound role in sir tim ' s thinking 在迪姆閣下的構想中,在萬維網與人腦之間的類推一直以來都起著一個舉足輕重的作用。

But do not recommend long play , or they may have a hypnotic effect . zzzzzz by the space bar hopping 不過不建議長時間play ,否則有可能產生催眠作用zzzzzz按空格鍵跳躍

Remains a part of the game at a bigger level despite no longer playing , the sign of a true champion 世界上第一個以隊長和教練兩種身份贏得世界杯冠軍的人。

Time went by … the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree everyday 時光流逝… … ,男孩長大了,不再每天繞著大樹玩耍。

Time went by . . . the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree 流年似水. . . . . .小男孩長大了,他再也不和蘋果樹玩耍了。

Time went by … the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree 時光飛逝。 。 。 。小男孩長大了,他不能在來樹下玩耍了。

Time went by … the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree 隨著時間的流逝,小男孩長大了。他不再到樹旁玩耍了。