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long island (紐約附近的)長島。

long johns

Save the sound is dedicated to the restoration , protection , and appreciation of long island sound and its watershed through advocacy , education and research 描述:這個網站主要是通過宣傳,教育和鼓動來保護長島海峽的水域不受污染。

Murdock is one of long island ' s leading experts on the condition , having established mosaic , a new hyde park school for autistic children 羅瑞塔則事長島地區頂尖的自閉癥專家,她建立網路與新海德公園學校來實質上幫助自閉癥家庭。

Dr douglas lozzaro , head of ophthalmology at long island college hospital , said the blow could have knocked a dislocated lens back into place 長島學院醫院眼科主任醫師羅薩洛說,這一撞可能把偏離的水晶體撞回原位。

At three , the family moved to maryland . at seven , connecticut , and at age nine to long island , new york . natalie is a vegetarian 她決定把這一給了她新生命的地方當作新的家,并與一位圖書管理員產生了真摯的戀情。

No one answered the door at the finnerty house , which sits in a cul - de - sac of million - dollar homes on long island , east of new york city 芬那提家? ?位于紐約東部長島的一個百萬富翁社區的死胡同? ?沒有人去開門。

An unincorporated community of southeast new york on western long island . it is mainly residential . population , 26 , 207 普萊恩維尤美國紐約州東南部一個未合并的社區,位于長島西部。主要為居住區。人口26 , 207

Howie : on the long island expressway there are lanes going east , lanes going west , and lanes going straight to hell 豪依:在長島高速公路上,有通往東方的道路,通往西方的道路,還有直接通往地獄的道路。

Valerie wilson , who works at a long island deli , said she won another $ 1 million on a lottery scratch - off game last month 瓦萊麗?威爾遜在紐約長島工作,她說自己上個月又中了百萬美元的刮開型彩票大獎。

Con - ed and the long island power authority say crews are working around the clock to get electricity back on 據紐約愛迪生電力聯合公司和長島電力局聲稱,為盡快恢復供電其工作人員正夜以繼日的工作。

Con - ed and the long island power authority say crews are working around the clock to get electricity back on 紐約愛迪生聯合電氣公司和長島能源管理局稱,其全體員工正日夜奮戰以恢復用電。

Every one wonders how bartenders make all those different mixed drinks like a long island ice tea or a bloody mary 大家想知道調酒師是如何調制出長島冰茶或血腥瑪麗那樣的混合飲料嗎?

Cheung chau meaning “ long island “ in cantonese is one of the most popular of all the outlying islands 長洲,顧名思義,解作長長的島嶼,其形狀有如啞鈴,是最受游人歡迎的外島之一。

Con - ed and the long island power authority say crews are working around the clock to get electricity back on 紐約愛迪生電力聯合公司和長島電力局表示員工徹夜工作為了使電力恢復。

The title is taken from an east hampton , long island , graffito to whose meaning the play offers no clues 戲名來源于一條涂鴉,出自長島的東漢普頓,但劇本沒有對其奧義加以解釋。

During the day she skirted long island , passed fire island , and directed her course rapidly eastward 這一整天,輪船都是沿著長島和火島上的警標保持著一定距離,迅速向東方奔馳。

In 1998 he took over as director of brookhaven national laboratory on eastern long island 由于之前放射性氚同位素滲入地下水中,前任主任拖了一陣子才承認,立刻就遭革職了。

Con - ed and the long island power authority say crews are working around the clock to get electricity back on 長島電力機構權威說工作人員要24小時恢復供電。

The long island native is the first seal to receive the award since the vietnam war 這位長島居民是自越南戰爭后美國海軍海豹特種部隊第一位接受勛章的戰士。

The long island native is the first seal to receive the award since the vietnam war 這位長島的本地人也是自越南戰爭后第一位獲此榮譽的海豹特種部隊成員。