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long house (美洲易洛魁人和其他印地安部落的)議事廳。

long hundred

“ enjoy - cottage “ have an ambiance & quite surrounding , clean & tidy rooms with basic facilities , little swimming pool , 3 minutes walk away from the town , good connection with near - by “ iban long house “ of which long house visit can be arrange at any time “悅來小筑“擁有幽靜的四周環境,整潔房間設備,小游泳池,步行3分鐘可到小鎮,與鄰近依班長屋有良好關系,可隨時安排到長屋拜訪參觀等

Currently we have two agent - based modeling projects that employ this information to reconstruct puebloan settlement and land - use patterns in the long house valley in arizona and the central mesa verde region in colorado 現在我們有兩個以代理人為基礎的模擬計畫,利用這些資訊重建古代普布羅人的聚落與土地利用模式,一個在亞利桑那長屋谷,另一個在科羅拉多莫德臺地中部。

“ i know that you have house , but i and is not to want to let you leave your existed the so long house , i just think in the silent wish in this faraway place you , only this and no more just “我知道你有家,可是我并不是想讓你離開你所生存了那么久的家,我只是想在這個遙遠的地方默默的祝福你,僅此而已! ”