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long hours 夜晚十一、二點鐘,午夜 (opp. small hour...

long house

He walked much , out in the hills , and loafed long hours in the quiet parks 他常常散步,長時間在山里在平靜的公園里溜達。

They worked long hours for several weeks before everything returned to normal 他們超負荷工作,幾周之后,一切才恢復正常。

This enabled her to work longer hours on her first big movie role 這使她在出演第一個較重要角色時,能夠有更長的工作時間。

They worked long hours for several weeks before everything returned to normal 時間的工作了好幾個星期,才使一切恢復工作。

After three promotions in five years , he was working longer hours than ever before 他在五年內升職三次,工時比以往更長。

B ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? well , she often has to work long hours . ? it can be very tiring 哦,她經常得連續工作很多個小時,使人相當疲勞。

But the court ruled that the long hours were an integral part of his job 但法院裁定,長時間的加班是內野工作的一部分。

Both held a friendly match . li cave in after long hours of a trial of strength 鏖戰移時,而終屈于劉氏絕技左把槍下。

In great britain , a group launched the “ long hours on time 在英國,一個行動小組發起了“按時下班,享受生活”運動。

Many young children are made to work long hours in factories and on farms 很多小孩子被迫在工廠或農田中長時間工作。

Long hours of hard work have made his shoulders broad and muscular 漫長數小時的辛勤工作使他的肩膀變寬,肌肉發達。

Others have no choice , as huge workloads force them to put in longer hours 有些人則是不得不加班,工作任務作時間。

B well , she often has to work long hours . it can be very tiring 哦,她經常得連續工作很多個小時,使人相當疲勞。

In order to succeed in business , you often have to work long hours 為了在事業上的成功,你得經常工作很長時間。

Well , she often has to work long hours . it can be very tiring 哦,她經常得連續工作很多個小時,使人相當疲勞。

Most fathers are working longer hours to help support their families 為了養家,許多父親工作的時間更長了。

The company exploited its workers with long hours and low pay 該公司利用長工時、低工資的方法來剝削工人。

We had to work long hours every day in order to get more money 為了多掙錢,我們不得不每天長時間地工作。

Long hours of work and low pay are really the knots in my stomach 上班時間長和低工資確實是我的煩惱。