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long head 長頭人。

long headed

Features : long head that shares about a third of the total length ; a concave forehead ; flat chin stretching to the front ; the spermaceti case containing high fat content is located in the prolapsed occipital bone . besides making candles and ointments , this fat is good ingredient for making precision instrument lubricants 頭部特別長,約占身體長度的三分之一,額部下方凹入,平扁的上頷由此向前伸出,頭頂之外枕骨下垂構成鯨油器,內藏大量油脂,這種油脂除可制成臘燭和油膏之外,更可提煉成維護精密儀器的潤滑劑。

At the leve the emperor francis only looked intently into prince andreys face , and nodded his long head to him as he stood in the place assigned him among the austrian officers 重溫著往日的印象,首先想到今日要朝拜弗朗茨皇帝,想起軍政大臣恭恭敬敬的侍從武官比利賓和昨日夜晚的閑談。

The procession is in front of new world dept . store , is no longer heading towards the train station 隊伍在新世界百貨前,沒有再往火車站方向走。

Tne effect of overexercise on histology and biomechanics of the long head of bicep tendon 過度運動對肱二頭肌長頭肌腱組織學及生物力學特性的影響

He has a long head on many matters 他在許多事情上極有遠見。

He is a statesman who has a long head 他是一個有先見之明的政治家。

It requires a long head to manage successfully the affairs of state . 要辦好國家大事,需要有先見之明。