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long hair 短語和例子〔美口〕1.知識分子(氣味)的〔尤指愛好古典音...

long head

Her long hair fell over her shoulders in a cascade of curls 她長長的卷發像瀑布一樣披瀉在肩上。

In our school , schoolboys aren ' t allowed to keep long hair 在我們學習男生是不允許留長頭發的。

Have one beautiful pitch - black long hair 有一頭烏黑靚麗的長發!

Her crowning glory is her long hair 她至高無上的光榮是她的長發。

The young man with long hair looks as if he were a girl 那個滿頭長發的男青年看上去像個女的。

D of course , you have to imagine long hair down to here , 當然,你們還要想象一下這么長的頭發

The girl with long hair is my sister 有著一頭長發的女孩是我姐姐。

The wind tangled the girl ' s long hair 風把姑娘的長發吹得亂成一團。

There is no need to fear the price of wearing long hair 在靈性和物質上貢獻己力留長發的代價

The girl with long hair is my sister 那位長著長發的姑娘是我的姐姐。

On the rear legs , brush the longer hair forward 第十二步:后腿的毛修理的時候,要向前梳。

She tied her long hair in a bow at the nape of her neck 她將長發在頸背處扎成一個蝴蝶結。

To tell you the truth , i think you looked better with long hair 說實話,你留長發更好看。

Boys are not allowed to keep long hair in our school 在我們學校男生是不允許留長頭發的。

Boys are not allowed to wear long hair in our school 在我們學校男生是不允許留長頭發的。

She has flowing long hair down to the shoulders 她留有飄逸過肩的長發。

Enable long hair extra nutrition , natural whitening 長期使用能加倍營養皮毛,自然增白。

Her head hung back , and her long hair swept the ground 她的頭往后仰著,長發掃著地面。

Small things , at first , like long hair 開始是一些象留長發一樣的小事情。