uploads/long face.jpg

long face 不愉快的臉色。

long field

If you don ' t treat your better - half well , she may give you a long face 假如你不好好對待你的另一半,她會給你不悅臉色。

Hey , why the long face 嗨,怎么拉長個臉

Hey . why the long face 嗨,怎么老拉著個臉?

You failed in the examination , but it ' s no use to pull a long face 你考試不及格,但為此而愁眉苦臉是無濟于事的。

What ' s with the long face 你怎么老是拉長著臉

B : me ? what about you ? the moment i came in , you pulled a long face 你說我?看看你自己吧!我一近來你就拉長臉。

Liz : why the long face 麗絲:為什么愁眉苦臉?

Why the long face , partner 為何悶悶不樂,伙計?

There ' s no need to pull a long face ; you ' ll be seeing him again next week 不必不高興,下星期你又能見到他了。

Me ? what about you ? the moment i came in , you pulled a long face 你說我?看看你自己吧!我一近來你就拉長臉。

Why the long face ? you were laughing few moments ago , weren ' t you 干嗎拉長著臉?幾分鐘前你不是還在笑嗎?

Why are you pulling a long face 你為什么拉長個臉啊?

Kelly : sam ! why the long face ? are you feeling down again 凱莉:山姆!你臉怎麼這麼臭?你又心情不好了嗎?

Michael : why the long face 邁克爾:你為什么拉長了臉?

Mr . wang ' s long face today indicated that he was in a bad mood 王先生今天愁眉苦臉,表示他的心情不好。

When his mother said he couldn ' t go , he pulled a long face 當他母親說他不能去時,他一付不高興的樣子。

You must feel great going home , wook . what ' s with the long face 要回家一定很高興吧!干嘛拉長個臉的

J . j . o molloy pulled a long face and walked on silently 杰杰奧莫洛伊把臉一耷拉,默默地繼續踱著步。

From a long face a beard and gaze hung on a chessboard 一張長臉蛋上的胡子和視線,部落在一方棋盤上。