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long distance adj.1.長途的,長距離的 (a long-dista...

long division

Precision analysis of long distance navigation of rendezvous 交會對接遠距離導引精度分析

A : i need to make a long distance phone call 我需要零錢打一個長途電話。

You ve got free long distance on that . forever 你可以永遠免費打長途電話

They travel through the air for long distances 它們經由空中傳到遠距離。

He is exhausted after running such a long distance 他在跑了這么長的距離以后精疲力竭。

I am accustomed to cold weather ( walking long distances ) 我習慣于冷天(長距離步行)

Long distance runners need great endurance 長跑運動員需要有很大的耐力。

Please send me the trunk call ( long distance call ) bill 請把長途電話費的賬單寄給我。

Can you hear a sharp sound from a long distance 你聽到遠處的尖叫聲了嗎?

She holds the world record for long distance swimming 她保持著長距離游泳的世界紀錄。

I want to make a long distance collect call 我要打個對方付費的長途電話。

You only make long distance calls after 11pm 你只在晚上11點后打長途電話

Send me the long distance bill to me , please 請把長途電話費的帳單寄給我。

The rain made it difficult for us to walk long distances 這場雨使我們走遠路很困難。

Can i make a long distance call from my room 我可以從房間里打長途電話嗎?

A short cut is the longest distance between two points 抄近路是兩點之間最長的距離。

It ' s a long distance call from beijing , please be quick 這是北京長途,麻煩你快一點

Our packing is well suited for long distance shipments 我們的包裝很適合長途運輸。

Please send the bill of long distance call fee to me 請把長途電話費的帳單寄給我。