
long n.朗〔姓氏〕。

long beach

A long tale gives a child fidgets . 太長的故事會使小孩子煩躁不安。

He has long credentials of diplomatic service . 他的外交工作資歷很深。

He can be punished by long jail sentences . 他可能受到長期監禁的處罰。

It was not long before tragedy struck again . 沒多久,災難又再次降臨。

The election process is long and costly . 選舉的過程冗長而且耗資巨大。

His long dumpy face wrinkled in a scowl . 那長下巴的胖圓臉皺起了眉頭。

A fever brought him to his long home . 一場熱病把他送回了“老家”。

The rabbits came again, no longer afraid . 野兔不再害怕,又出現了。

She holds the world record for the long jump . 她保持著跳遠世界紀錄。

A long illness had emaciated the invalid . 長期臥病使這病人瘦弱了。

I am no longer privileged to tease you . 我已經沒有權力跟你逗笑了。

I had a longing for a homeland for my soul . 我渴望著我心靈上的歸宿。

It will not be long before we know the truth ... 不久真相就會大白。

The long discussion befuddled them . 長時間的討論使得他們頭昏腦脹。

The campaign did not detain him long . 競選時的問題并沒有纏住他多久。

How long will she keep her current job ? 她現在這份工作能維持多久?

He declared his profound longing for peace . 他說他深切地渴望和平。

That cut is taking a long time to heal . 那傷口要很長時間才能愈合。

Our philosophies are a long distance apart . 我們的哲學觀點相去懸殊。