
lonesome adj.1.幽靜的;寂寞的,孤獨的。2.凄涼的,人跡稀少...


The trains had a lonesome , longing sound that made john henry want to go wherever they were gong 列車單調的、令人神往的聲音,使約翰?亨利一心想伴它遠走他鄉。

Time and again i called your name . on the lonesome seashore with no man , mirrored scenes are used to be 李號成是個非常熱心的人,他問我誰住,我說男朋友住。

“ all right - that ll do . only if you get married i ll be more lonesomer than ever . “那好吧以后告訴就以后告訴吧,只是你成了家就孤獨了我嘍。 ”

You must keep up your spirits , mother , and not be lonesome because i ' m not at home 你一定要打起精神,媽媽,不要因為我不在家而倍感凄涼。

At night i ' d lie in bed listening to the lonesome whistle of the distant freight train 晚上我喜歡躺在床上聽遠處貨車傳來的凄厲的汽笛聲。

Their favorite record was ' lonesome road ' , and they played it over and over again 他們最喜歡的唱片是《孤獨的路》 ,翻來覆去聽了又聽。

The lonesome chef 寂寞的廚師

But he ll be pooty lonesome - dey ain no kings here , is dey , huck ? 不過他會孤孤單單的他們在這里并沒有國王,是這樣么,哈克? ”

I waited , and it seemed a good while , everything was so still and lonesome 我等著,仿佛等了很久,四下里一片寂靜,感覺很孤單。

You won ' t be lonesome 你不會寂寞的

We ' ll be lonesome without you . but my sunday school teacher used to say 沒有你我們會覺得孤單的但我的周末學校的老師說過

Life ' s lonesome highway 生活孤獨的路

Are you lonesome tonight 今晚你寂寞嗎

Are you lonesome tonight , 你今晚寂寞嗎?

Miss watson she kept pecking at me , and it got tiresome and lonesome 華珍小姐不停地找我的岔子,日子過得又累又寂寞。

And there was the silence of death about it : the solitude of a lonesome wild 這里籠罩著死一般的沉寂和曠野的凄涼。

? of the lonesome times ? 的記憶深處

Once he locked me in and was gone three days . it was dreadful lonesome 有一回,他把我鎖在里邊,一鎖就鎖了三天。

Must be lonesome without her 沒有她大概很寂寞吧