
loner n.〔口語〕獨來獨往的人,性格孤癖的人。


With the inflow reduction in the yellow river and the rapid social - economic development in ningxia , the supply - demand conflict of water resources in qyrid is becoming serious and the traditional patterns of water use in agricultural irrigation can no loner accord with the new situation of the local development 青銅峽灌區位于黃河上游下段,是我國古老的大型灌區之一。隨著黃河來水量的減少和寧夏社會經濟的快速發展,灌區水資源供需矛盾日益突出。

Knight ? rider , ? a ? shadowy ? flight ? into ? the ? dangerous ? world ? of ? man ? who ? does ? not ? exist . ? michael ? knight , ? a ? young ? loner ? on ? a ? crusade ? to ? champion ? the ? cause ? of ? the ? innocent , ? the ? helpless , ? the ? powerless ? in ? a ? world ? of ? criminals ? who ? operate ? above ? the ? law 麥克奈特,一位馳騁在充滿邪惡與危險世界之中的勇士,年輕的孤膽英雄,他就是在罪犯無視法律的世界之中,討伐罪惡的勢力,為無辜和無援的人們主持正義的霹靂游俠!

A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist : michael knight ? a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent , the helpless , the powerless , in a world of criminals who operate above the law 幽靈般地馳騁在危險的世界中,討伐罪惡勢力? ?這就是邁克奈特,一位年輕的孤膽英雄,一位在罪犯橫行、無法無天的世界中,為無辜和無助的人們主持正義的勇士。

The loner 1972 was an important work in the last years of lee s film career . through the descriptions of tam , lee and chow , we are blessed with a portrait of a gentle , easy - going person who happened to be a dedicated filmmaker 至于周驄,則是李晨風后期愛用的演員,七十年代初與李兆熊合組現代制片公司,獨立制片,其中半生牛馬1972是李晨風晚年的重要作品。

From childhood we ` re conditioned to accept that when alone we instinctively ache for company , that loners are outsiders yearning to get in than people who are content with their own company 從孩童時期我們就習慣的認為,當我們獨自一人時,我們本能的渴望得到伴侶,那些獨自在外的孤獨者比那些已有滿意伴侶的人更加向往得到伴侶。

More precisely , it is the age - old tale of two loners misfits and their bonding , even though for most parts they appear to be from different galaxies . adapted faithfully from its hyperactive shojo manga origin , this is 深田為養起一身娃娃裝束,在網上拍賣冒牌貨,土屋聞風而至,天使型與地獄式的少女發展出不可思議的姊妹情。

From childhood we ` re conditioned to accept that when alone we instinctively ache for company , that loners are outsiders yearning to get in than people who are content with their own company 從孩童時期起,我們就習慣于當孤單的時候,本能的盼望有同伴相陪,孤單的人比那些擁有滿意伙伴的人更加渴望被同伴所接納

Bearhounds are intelligent , masterful hunters . usually loners that value their privacy and keep to the woodlands , they will sometimes associate with good creatures for a righteous cause 熊獵犬是聰明專橫的獵人,他們通常獨自守護自己的秘密并尊重所居住的森林,他們經常為了正義的事業而聯合那些善良的人們。

From childhood we ` re conditioned to accept that when alone we instinctively ache for company , that loners are outsiders yearning to get in than people who are content with their own company 從孩童時期期,我們就習慣于孤單時本能地渴望有同伴相賠,往往孤獨的人比容易滿足自己同伴的人更向往外部的世界。

“ world - class [ boating ] races for fearless loners willing to face the distinct possibility of being run down , dismasted , capsized , attacked by whales ” ( jo ann morse ridley ) “為愿意獨自面對撞沉、折斷桅桿、傾覆和被鯨攻擊的明顯可能性的無畏者而舉行的世界級比賽” (約?安?莫爾斯?里德利) 。

Daniel boorstin , the well - known sociohistorian , has written that “ … of all american myths , none is stronger than that of the loner moving west , across the land 著名的社會歷史學家丹尼爾?鮑斯汀這樣寫道: “ … …在全部美國神話中,沒有什么能像孤身一人闖蕩西部那樣的行為給人以強烈的印象了。

Generally speaking , meteors and meteor particles travel together in swarms like bees , with the exception of the loners , and travel in any direction they choose 一般來說,流星及流星顆粒都是成團成群運行的,就象蜂群一樣,他們按自己選擇的方向隨意運行,除了有極少數單獨運行的例外。

You are both fixed signs with a totally different concept of life . the water - bearer is too much of a loner and you always want to own or possess your partner 金牛水瓶:都是固定星座的你倆有著完全不同的生活理念。水瓶座的一方太過孤僻,而你占有性過強,真有點水火不容的駕勢。

Generally speaking , meteors and meteor particles travel together in swarms like bees , with the exception of the loners , and travel in any direction they choose 大多數流星在進入地球大氣層時就已經被燒化了,除了一些特別大的流星,它們穿過大氣層,被地心引力拖了下來。

Because the 8th house rules all the secrets of life , the 8th house person is secretive and hard to get to know . he is a loner and likes it 因為第八宮掌官所有生命中的秘密,第八宮強的人是神秘而難以了解的。他是一個獨立自主的人,亦喜歡孤獨。

Grits is the story of a group of disenfranchised loners who meet in a small coastal village in west wales at the end of the 1990s 《砂礫》講述了一群被社會遺棄、離群索居的人的故事。 20世紀90年代末,他們在西威爾士的一個海濱小鎮上相遇了。

The narcissistic personality makes qu yuan a loner in spirit , which is also the fatal fetters that stumbles the realization of his ambition of jawboninging 自戀人格使屈原成為精神上的孤獨者,也是其美政抱負難以實現的一個重要羈絆。

Libra people work hard and are rarely loners , whose luck will be half - and - half this year , while there has been an upward trend in the study 天秤座的人做事勤奮,亦很少不合群,本年度的運勢是好壞參半,學習運卻呈上升趨勢。

Do not raise up our kid a loner . that is what we , as parents should learn from this tragic incident while we pray for the victims 那孩子8歲就來美了。什么時候都不能忘記,孩子的心理健康最是重要,要從小重視。