
lonely adj.(-lier; -liest)1.寂寞的。2.幽...


Since you tell me that you're lonely i've no right to keep you from your friends . 你既然告訴我你感到孤寂,我沒有權力不讓你去看朋友。

Poor alice began to cry again, for she felt very lonely and low-spirited . 可憐的艾麗斯又哭起來了,因為她覺得非常寂寞、非常懊喪。

He was bleakly lonely in the evening, when he dined by himself at the regency hotel . 傍晚,他更覺冷清,一個人在攝政旅館吃了飯。

He found that he was lonely and missed the sight and cheerful chatter of yvonne . 他發現自己很寂寞,懷念伊馮的身影和歡聲笑語。

You'll be feeling lonely now that your circle of friends has split up . 既然你結交的朋友已經分崩離析,你現在一定感到孤單。

He believed in the dark spirits that hovered above the heads of lonely men . 他相信在孤獨的人們頭上盤旋的黑色的幽靈。

The howl of the wolves gave the lonely traveler a feeling of fear . 聽到狼群的嚎叫聲,那個單身旅行者不由得害怕起來。

I felt damned lonely and was glad when the train got to stresa . 我覺得異常寂寞,所以車子到施特雷沙時,心中很高興。

And the more people there were around him, the lonelier he became . 但是,圍著他轉的人越多,他反而越感到孤獨寂寞。

Another group calls lonely old people once a day to chat a little . 又有一個小組每天看一次孤寡老人,跟他們聊聊天。

He was a lonely man and he looked around to fine a girl for his wife . 他是個單身漢,想找一個姑娘作他的妻子。

She walked on more soberly now, and she was lonely . 她一個勁往前走去,這時頭腦更加清醒了,感到自己格外孤單。

I purely came over because i thought you looked extremely lonely . 我到這邊來只是因為覺得你的樣子太寂寞了。

There were two lonely looking ticket-houses standing in the square . 有兩座孤零零的賣票房坐落在廣場中間。

She realized that he was trying to convey to her that he was lonely . 她體會到他是盡力向他表示他的寂寞。

The lonelier limits of the airport were no place to wander . 飛機場荒涼的地區可不是個隨便走動的地區。

The ground was hard, the air was still, my road was lonely . 路很堅硬,空氣也很靜,我的旅途是孤寂的。

Since his wife's death he has been ploughing a lonely furrow . 自從妻子死后,他一直過著孤獨的生活。

She was drifting about europe, so handicapped and lonely 她就這樣無依無靠,這樣孤零零地在歐洲漂泊。