
lone adj.1.寂寞的。2.無人煙的,人跡稀少的;孤寂的。3...

lone hand

The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf 孤獨的羊在狼面前是危險的。

But mos ly i wisht dey d lemme lone , i does . 不過,頂好還是它們別來纏住我,那就好啦。 ”

Darius vassell will be a lone man up front 達里斯?瓦塞爾將打單箭頭。

- lone , could i have a word . - not now , christian - lone可以和你說句話嗎- christian現在不行

Lone , could i have a word . - not now , christian Lone可以和你說句話嗎- christian現在不行

Lone must have the party ' s complete support Lone必須要得到全黨的支持

I read your article about lone ' s husband 我看了你關于lone的老公的文章

Detective lone . what a surprise . - yeah 龍恩探長,好一個驚喜啊-是嗎?

That ' s why lone kjeldsen called a meeting tomorrow 這就是為什么lone kjeldsen要明天開會

Tom lone . - god , that is such a good name 湯姆龍恩-上帝,真是個好名字

Lone , what is it with this holiday thing ? is it true Lone ,渡假那是怎么回事,是真的嗎

- detective lone . what a surprise . - yeah -龍恩探長,好一個驚喜啊-是嗎?

Lone parameters are marshaled back from com as type 單個參數從com作為類型

- tom lone . - god , that is such a good name -湯姆龍恩-上帝,真是個好名字

- and lone kjeldsen ? - she has my sympathies , -那lone kjeldsen呢-我很同情她

And lone kjeldsen ? - she has my sympathies , 那lone kjeldsen呢-我很同情她

I suggest we give lone our full support for now 我建議我們現在全力支持lone

This seems rather convenient for lone ' s opponents 看起來lone的對手有機可乘

In comparison , the monkey king is a lone ranger 相比較而言,孫悟空是一個孤膽英雄。