
london n.1.倫敦〔姓氏〕。2.倫敦〔英國首都〕。短語和例子t...

london particular

London was a blaze of pageantry and colour . 倫敦到處是輝煌的慶典、色彩斑斕。

The firm 's headquarters are in london . 公司總部設在倫敦。

We were living in london at the time . 我們那陣兒住在倫敦。

Harry would have to come in great haste from london . 哈里會從倫敦火速趕來。

The plague visited london in 1665 . 瘟疫在1665年侵襲過倫敦。

London preceded nim into gas station office . 倫敦領著尼姆進入加油站辦公室。

Our director is currently in london . 本公司的董事現在倫敦。

We passed through oxford on our way to london . 我們在去倫敦的路上經過牛津。

We are going down to london next week . 下周我們南下去倫敦。

The company operates from offices in london . 那公司由設在倫敦的辦事處管理。

London was heavily bombed during the last war . 上次大戰期間倫敦被猛烈轟炸。

I'll wager you do well for yourself in london . 我擔保你在倫敦一定混得不錯。

I suppose you never came across him in london . 我想你在倫敦沒有碰見過他吧?

I'm chained to my desk in london . 我被套在倫敦的辦公室里了。

From the plane we had a bird 's eye view of london . 我們從飛機上鳥瞰倫敦。

We are going up to london next weekend . 下周末我們上倫敦去。

When visiting london i like to travel by bus . 我游覽倫敦時喜歡坐公共汽車。

The talks have been moved from paris to london ... 會談已由巴黎移到了倫敦。

Do look me up the next time you are in london . 你下次到倫敦,務必來找我。