
lombard n.1.【歷史】倫巴族人〔日耳曼民族之一〕;倫巴族人后裔...

lombard loan

In 1888 frequently with major brian tweedy and his daughter miss marion tweedy , together and separately on the lounge in matthew dillon s house in roundtown . once in 1892 and once in 1893 with julius mastiansky , on both occasions in the parlour of his bloom s house in lombard street , west 一八八八年,他經常與布賴恩特威迪鼓手長和他的女兒瑪莉恩特威迪小姐,有時同父女一道,有時單獨同其中的一個交談,地點就在圓鎮的馬修狄7家的娛樂室里。

Morning sightseeing tour of golden gate bridge , fisherman wharf , lombard street , palace of fine art , etc . then heading for napa valley , visiting the famous wine country napa , where you can taste some of california s finest wines 舊金山灣區那帕酒鄉napa valley游聞名于世的那帕酒鄉,整的葡萄園,古典的建筑物,如臨世外桃源。參觀著名酒廠,欣賞田園風光,品嘗葡萄美酒。

At most of the important crossings there is a plan of the streets ( lombard street ; ohio street ; market street ; and so on ) cut into the stone of the sidewalk so that you can look down and see where you are 在大多數的主要交叉路口,都有一幅街道(朗巴德街、俄亥俄街、市場街等等)的詳圖刻在人行道的石頭上。只要你低頭看一下,就知道自己所在的位置了。

Who was not seized with grief and sadness in strolling though the lombard - austrian market , which was crammed with lovely naked and veiled slave figures in marble 倫巴第-奧地利市場(倫-奧市場)充斥著裸露或隱蓋的大理石奴隸雕像,穿梭其中,有誰能不感到悲哀傷痛?

Three years old she was in front of molly s dressingtable just before we left lombard street west 我們從西倫巴德街搬走之前不久,三歲的她居然就坐在摩莉的梳妝臺前面。

Even comb and tissuepaper you can knock a tune out of . molly in her shift in lombard street west , hair down 甚至用一把梳子和一張薄縐紙,也能吹出個曲調來。

And when the painters were in lombard street west . fine voice that fellow had . how giuglini began 那家伙的嗓門真好,就像是剛走上歌壇時的吉烏利尼128 。

She twentythree when we left lombard street west something changed . could never like it again after rudy 我們從倫巴德西街搬走之后188 ,起了點兒變化。

Morning , sightseeing tour of golden gate bridge , fisherman wharf , lombard street , palace of fine art , etc 參觀著名酒廠,欣賞田園風光,品嘗葡萄美酒。

There was a lot of talk about those sunspots when we were in lombard street west 我們住在倫巴德西街的時候,關于太陽的黑子,大家議論紛紛。

We were in lombard street west 我們住在倫巴德西街。

I had one like that when we lived in lombard street west 當我們住在倫巴德西街時,我也有過這樣的一套。

- hello , where you headed ? - lombard and kale , please , -你想去哪? -朗巴度路

Hello , where you headed ? - lombard and kale , please , 你想去哪? -朗巴度路

Mr. galfrey happened to be cashing a check at a banking-house in lombard . 高孚利先生碰巧在侖巴德街上一家銀行兌張支票。