
lolly n.(pl. -lies) 〔英方〕1.錢。2.硬糖果。


They were : “ healthy “ ( vegetables , fruits and legumes ) ; “ western / swedish “ ( red meat , processed meat , poultry , rice , pasta , eggs , fried potatoes and fish ) ; “ alcohol “ ( wine , liquor , beer and some snacks ) ; and “ sweets “ ( sweet baked goods , lollies , chocolate , jam and ice - cream ) 通過分析,研究者將飲食方式主要分為四類:健康型(蔬菜,水果,豆類) ;西式/瑞典式(生肉,加工過的肉,家禽,米,意大利面,雞蛋,炸薯條和魚) ;酒精類(葡萄酒,烈性酒,啤酒和下酒菜) ;甜食類(烘焙的甜品,硬糖,巧克力,果醬和冰激凌) 。

They were : “ healthy “ ( vegetables , fruits and legumes ) ; “ western / swedish “ ( red meat , processed meat , poultry , rice , pasta , eggs , fried potatoes and fish ) ; “ alcohol “ ( wine , liquor , beer and some snacks ) ; and “ sweets “ ( sweet baked goods , lollies , chocolate , jam and ice - cream ) 它們是: “健康型(蔬菜、水果、豆類) ;西方型/瑞典型(紅色肉類、加工過的肉類、禽肉,米飯、面食、雞蛋、炸土豆和魚) ;酒精型(紅酒、白酒、啤酒和一些小吃)和“甜食型” (烘焙甜食、糖串、巧克力、果醬和冰淇淋) 。

They were : “ healthy “ ( vegetables , fruits and legumes ) ; “ western / swedish “ ( red meat , processed meat , poultry , rice , pasta , eggs , fried potatoes and fish ) ; “ alcohol “ ( wine , liquor , beer and some snacks ) ; and “ sweets “ ( sweet baked goods , lollies , chocolate , jam and ice - cream ) 它們是”健康型“ (蔬菜,水果和豆類) ; “西式/瑞典型(生肉,加工肉制品,家禽,米飯,生面,雞蛋,薯條和魚) ;酒精型(紅酒,烈酒,啤酒和一些小點心) ;甜食型(烘焙的甜品,棒棒糖,巧克力,醬和冰淇淋) 。

They were : “ healthy “ ( vegetables , fruits and legumes ) ; “ western / swedish “ ( red meat , processed meat , poultry , rice , pasta , eggs , fried potatoes and fish ) ; “ alcohol “ ( wine , liquor , beer and some snacks ) ; and “ sweets “ ( sweet baked goods , lollies , chocolate , jam and ice - cream ) 他們是: “健康” (蔬菜,水果和豆制品) ; “西式的/瑞典的” (未加工肉類,加工過的肉類,家禽類,大米,意大利面食,油炸馬鈴薯和魚) ; “酒” (紅酒,酒精飲料,啤酒和一些小吃) ;和“糖果” (甜的烘培食品,棒棒糖,巧克力,果醬和冰淇淋) 。

They were : “ healthy “ ( vegetables , fruits and legumes ) ; “ western / swedish “ ( red meat , processed meat , poultry , rice , pasta , eggs , fried potatoes and fish ) ; “ alcohol “ ( wine , liquor , beer and some snacks ) ; and “ sweets “ ( sweet baked goods , lollies , chocolate , jam and ice - cream ) 分別是:健康型(蔬菜,水果和豆制品) ; “西式或瑞式” (紅肉,被加工過的肉類,家禽,大米,生面類,蛋類,油炸馬鈴薯和魚) ; “酒精類” (紅酒,白酒,啤酒和快餐)以及“甜品類” (烘烤甜品,硬糖,巧克力,果醬和冰淇淋) 。

They were : “ healthy “ ( vegetables , fruits and legumes ) ; “ western / swedish “ ( red meat , processed meat , poultry , rice , pasta , eggs , fried potatoes and fish ) ; “ alcohol “ ( wine , liquor , beer and some snacks ) ; and “ sweets “ ( sweet baked goods , lollies , chocolate , jam and ice - cream ) 它們是:健康類(蔬菜,水果和豆類) ;西式/瑞式類(紅肉,已加工肉食,家禽,米,意大利面,蛋類,炸土豆和魚) ;酒類(紅酒,酒精飲料,啤酒和一些快餐) ;甜食(烤國的糖果點心,棒棒糖,巧克力,果醬和冰淇淋) 。

They were : “ healthy “ ( vegetables , fruits and legumes ) ; “ western / swedish “ ( red meat , processed meat , poultry , rice , pasta , eggs , fried potatoes and fish ) ; “ alcohol “ ( wine , liquor , beer and some snacks ) ; and “ sweets “ ( sweet baked goods , lollies , chocolate , jam and ice - cream ) 這就是:健康的(蔬菜,水果,豆類) ;西方的/瑞士的(瘦肉,加工肉,家禽,大米,意大利面,蛋類,炸土豆條和炸魚) ;酒精類(白酒,酒精飲料,啤酒和一些快餐小吃) ;和甜食類(甜的烘培食品,棒棒糖,巧克力,果醬和冰淇淋) 。

Lungtien distillery s yusan erkuotou and chinghsiang sorghum liquors have an excellent reputation , and its sideline products such as kaoliang ice lollies and rice cakes steeped in lung feng medicinal liquor are also very popular 隆田酒廠隆田酒廠的玉山二鍋頭玉山清香高粱酒名聞遐邇,副產品酒冰棒鳳酒米糕等也很受歡迎。

Lolly ( shenzhen ) was found 5 years ago as the supporting office for our hong kong head office . this branch office primary function is product development , quality control and vendor relations 樂利深圳分公司成立于5年前,為香港總公司的后端管理,主要負責是產品開發、品質管理和供應商(工廠)聯系。

Besides unique salt - flavored ice lollies , other products on sale at the shop include gourmet salt , bathing salts , salt toothpaste , salt soap , algae soap and algae soya sauce 另外咸冰棒也是七股鹽場的獨家美味,販賣部亦供應有美味鹽沐浴鹽含鹽牙膏含鹽香皂藻皂藻醬油等。

The towering salt mounds of the chiku salt pans are known as the “ snowy mountains “ of tainan . novel attractions at the salt pans include healthful brine baths and salty ice lollies 七股鹽場的巍峨鹽山,有臺南長白山的美名鹽場尚有泡鹽鹵浴美容與品嘗咸冰棒,頗為新奇。

Several squirrel monkeys cool themselves off with ice - lolly as record high temperatures hit hefei safari park , e . china ' s anhui province on august 15 , 2006 高溫天氣來襲,生活在安徽合肥野生動物園內的一些松鼠猴靠吃冰棒來解暑降溫。

Ice creams and ice lollies may be out of stock in supermarkets 而在超級市場,雪糕和冰棒可能都已經沒有現貨/庫存

Well , yeah , we got sweets . we got some lollies here by the register 好,是的,我們有蜜月套房登記處還有棒棒糖

Phil rupp , lolly gagger , marianna trench 菲爾,洛麗,瑪麗娜

If you want to come on by and get yourself a lolly 如果你想來,可以得到一個棒棒糖