
lollipop n.〔常pl.〕1.〔英俚〕錢。2.棒棒糖;糖果。3.〔...


After 15 minutes ' intensively discussion , they started to exhibit their results . the nine groups , adding culture construction group , drumbeating group started their aboil contend and pk match . first , the elected leaders steped onto the platform to declare their team name and catchwords , and devised themselves ' characteristic behave . this activity bubbled up the assembly room ' s atmosphere . then we let the leaders stand in a line and give them the last 2 minutes ' speak time to draw tickets . lastly , we decided to choose the winner using the method that every group votes two tickets . but for there were 3 winners at last , we handed out a few lollipops averagely to this 3 groups . their great ambition expressed in last prevail speech reminded us the experience and scene in summer camp 首先是剛才大家公認選出的組長上臺代表自己的小組發言,宣布自己組的隊名和口號,并作出自己特色的表現,一輪下來,整個會場幾近沸騰,接下來我們讓每位組長上臺一字排開,并給他們每人最后的兩句話的表現機會,大家積極踴躍發言為自己的小組拉票,最后我們由每個小組頭兩票的方式決定最后的獲勝者,結果出人意料的出現了并列三組第一的局面,我們只得把我們為數不多的棒棒糖平均分給了三個小組,在他們的獲勝感言上他們又一次表達的自己的雄心壯志,我們在這里看到了我們曾經夏令營的經歷和場面。

Successively make powder fruit candy such as power chip pineapple candy , banana candy , orange candy , which are advanced at the domestic . produce four candy sets , such as the high - grade mike candy , powder clip lollipop and powder clip gum candy , totally more than 150 varieties 先后研制開發了具有國內領先水平的粉質夾心菠蘿糖、香蕉糖、柑橘糖等粉質水果硬糖系列,并生產高級奶糖、粉質夾心棒棒糖和粉質夾心膠糖等四大類糖果系列,共

The range of our products is widely including western seasonal candies for christmas , valentines , halloween , easter , daily candies , novelty candies and green foods , such as candy cane , gummy candy , lollipops , jelly pop , marshmallow lollipop candy with toys , preserves , walnuts muffin 公司產品系列涵蓋:橡皮糖、手工藝棒糖、棉花糖、玩具糖果、節日糖果和各類休閑食品等,同時公司致力于中、高檔休閑食品的進出口貿易和中國大陸的分銷業務。

Our company has internationally advanced food production equipment , have more than 50 varieties products , such as candy , lollipop , solid beverage , chocolate , bake food and so on . the products sell well both at home and abroad , well received by consumers 公司擁有國際先進的食品生產設備,可生產糖果、棒棒糖、跳跳糖、固體飲料、巧克力、焙烤食品等共50多個品種,產品暢銷國內28個省、市、自治區及周邊國家,深受消費者的喜愛。

I and contacts of him to begin from one lollipop , though i know he to like i really at that time , gentle like him , he very difficult to refuse i , and i too happy to meet these result , but the love that i have forgotten to impose is not perfect 我和他的交往是從一支棒棒糖開始的,雖然那時我知道他并不是真的喜歡我,溫柔如他,他很難拒絕我,而我也樂見這個結果,可我忘了強求來的愛情是不完美的。

In this second approach the interface symbols with a complete circle at their end represent an interface that the component provides - this lollipop “ symbol is shorthand for a realization relationship of an interface classifier 在這第二種方法中,在末端有一個完整的圓周的接口符號代表組件提供的接口- - “棒棒糖”是這個接口分類器實現關系符號的速記法。

On a component diagram with lollipops and sockets , note that the dependency arrow comes out of the consuming requiring socket and its arrow head connects with the provider s lollipop , as shown in figure 5 在有棒棒糖和插座的組件圖上,注意,依存箭從強烈的(要求的)插座引出,并且它的箭頭指向供應者的棒棒糖,如圖5所示。

However , a lengthy stop for alonso - with the spaniard appearing to sit motionless for several seconds even after the lollipop had been raised - meant hamilton was forced to queue behind the champion 然而,阿隆索停了較長的時間,他在棒棒糖已經舉起之后,還停留了幾秒鐘,于是漢密爾頓不得不排在后面等待這位世界冠軍。

When showing a component s relationship with other components , the lollipop and socket notation must also include a dependency arrow as used in the class diagram 當表現組件與其他的組件的關系時,棒棒糖和插座符號也必須包括一支依存箭頭(如類圖中所用的) 。

Taiwan s newest boy band lollipop releases their debut ep . though newcomers , the six - member group already has a huge fanbase in taiwan thanks to the popularity of their show , 棒棒堂是六人組,樂隊的成員有敖犬王子威廉阿緯小杰和小煜。

“ go get mrs . west , “ the nurse instructed her helper , while handing her the lollipop . “ maybe mr . west will eat for her . “去把維斯特太太找來, “護理員吩咐她的助手,并將棒棒糖給了助手. “也許維斯特先生會為她而吃東西.

Her most famous movie was bright eyes in which she sang the song most associated with her ; good ship lollipop 她最著名的電影是《亮眼睛》 ,片中她唱了一首她最為人知曉的歌曲? ? 《好船棒棒糖號》 。

Drawing these assembly connectors in this manner makes the lollipop and socket symbols very easy to read 以這種方式畫這些組合連接器使棒棒糖和插座成為很容易理解的符號。

We bought a card for our lollipop lady because it ' s her birthday today , and she was very pleased 因為今天是那位交通管理人員的生日,我們給她買了張賀卡,她非常高興。

Emily turned and saw the lawyer and the lollipop following close behind them 艾米麗轉過身,看見律師和那位”棒棒糖“正緊緊地跟在兩人背后。

Suck at a lollipop 吮吸棒糖

Assembly connectors are drawn as lollipop and socket symbols next to each other 組合連接器用緊緊相連的棒棒糖和插座符號表示。

Take a suck at a lollipop 吮食棒糖

The scene of a rainbow tastes like a juicy , colorful and sweet lollipop 彩虹的景象,滋味就好像多汁,多彩,甜的棒棒糖。