
loll vi.1.懶洋洋地躺[靠];閑蕩。2.(頭等)下垂。3....


He declared himself a philosopher who had given up everything , glory included . at times prulliere and fontan lolled back in their chairs , losing count of time in front of the empty table , while with theatrical gestures and intonation they discussed their former successes till two in the morning . but he would sit by , lost in thought , finishing the brandy bottle in silence and only occasionally emitting a little contemptuous sniff 有時,普律利埃爾和豐唐躺在椅子上,在餐具已經收拾了的桌子前,用演戲的手勢和語調怡然自得地敘說各自的舞臺成就,一直談到深夜兩點鐘而博斯克則在一邊想別的事情,相隔很長時間才蔑視地哼一聲,一聲不吭地喝他那瓶白蘭地,當年的塔爾瑪還留下什么了呢?

To anyone who has spent time in india ' s villages , paying to sun oneself while cattle loll and cowpats dry under the sky might seem a little far fetched . but for renuka chowdhury , india ' s tourism minister , the villages can easily be repackaged as exotic destinations where foreign tourists can enjoy rural pursuits such as drawing well water and churning butter 據衛報9月28日報道,游客也許會覺得花錢去鄉下曬太陽看牛羊甚至牛糞太不值了,但印度旅游部部長喬杜里表示,此次推出的鄉村游將被打造成感受異國情調的特色之旅。

Five tallwhitehatted sandwichmen between monypeny s corner and the slab where wolfe tone s statue was not , eeled themselves turning h . e . l . y . s and plodded back as they had come . then she stared at the large poster of marie kendall , charming soubrette , and , listlessly lolling , scribbled on the jotter sixteens and capital esses 五個頭戴白色高帽的廣告人來到莫尼彭尼商店的街角和還不曾豎立沃爾夫托恩85雕像的石板之間,他們那helys的蜿蜒隊形就掉轉過來,拖著沉重的腳步沿著原路走回去。

At various points along the eight lines tramcars with motionless trolleys stood in their tracks , bound for or from rathmines , rathfarnham , blackrock , kingstown and dalkey , sandymount green , ringsend and sandymount tower , donnybrook , palmerston park and upper rathmines , all still , becalmed in short circuit . hackney cars , cabs , delivery waggons , mail - vans , private broughams , aerated mineral water floats with rattling crates of bottles , rattled , lolled , horsedrawn , rapidly 出租馬車街頭攬座兒的馬車送貨馬車郵件馬車私人的四輪轎式馬車,以及一瓶瓶的礦泉汽水在板條箱里恍當恍當響的平臺貨車,全都由蹄子礙礙響的馬兒拉著,咯噠咯噠地疾馳而去。

As prince andrey said this he was less than ever like the bolkonsky who had sat lolling in anna pavlovnas drawing - room with half - closed eyelids , filtering french phrases through his teeth . his dry face was quivering with nervous excitement in every muscle ; his eyes , which had seemed lustreless and lifeless , now gleamed with a full , vivid light 安德烈公爵說這話時與原先不同,更不像博爾孔斯基了,那時,博爾孔斯基把手腳伸開懶洋洋地坐在安娜帕夫洛夫娜的安樂椅上,把眼睛瞇縫起來,透過縫說了幾句法國話。

Fauchery , whom his cousin was questioning , showed him the boxes devoted to the newspapers and to the clubs and then named the dramatic critics - a lean , dried - up individual with thin , spiteful lips and , chief of all , a big fellow with a good - natured expression , lolling on the shoulder of his neighbor , a young miss over whom he brooded with tender and paternal eyes . but he interrupted himself on seeing la faloise in the act of bowing to some persons who occupied the box opposite 福什利在他表弟的詢問下,把報館和俱樂部的包廂指給他看,并把那些戲劇批評家的名字一個個告訴他,其中一個人面孔瘦削,神情冷漠,長著兩片險惡的薄嘴唇,他還特地指給他一個胖子,那人臉上顯出一副和善的神情,懶洋洋地倚在身旁一個女人的肩上,用父愛的目光深情地注視著這個天真純樸的姑娘。

He did not proceed to attack his mail , and for a half hour he lolled in his chair , doing nothing , while no more than vague , half - formed thoughts occasionally filtered through his intelligence , or rather , at wide intervals , themselves constituted the flickering of his intelligence 他并不立即開始拆看郵件,只坐在椅子上打噸,什么都沒干地過了半小時。只有一些零碎的模糊念頭偶然滲透到他的思想里,更確切地說,他的思想只極偶然地閃出一兩星火花。

Daguenet , his neighbor , smilingly examined him ; the public laughed , as though disarmed and no longer anxious to hiss ; while the young gentlemen in white gloves , fascinated in their turn by nana s gracious contours , lolled back in their seats and applauded 達蓋內坐在他的旁邊,笑著打量他,觀眾都笑起來,仿佛心情平靜下來了,再也不想吹口哨了而那些戴白手套的年輕先生們,也被娜娜的線條迷住了,個個神魂顛倒,鼓起掌來。

In the first carriage maria blond and tatan nene were lolling backward like a pair of duchesses , their skirts swelling forth over the wheels , and as they passed they cast disdainful glances at the honest women who were walking afoot 第一輛車里是瑪麗亞布隆和塔唐內內,她倆像公爵夫人一樣仰靠在座位的靠背上,裙子在車輪上面飄起來,她們用蔑視的目光瞅著這些徒步的正經婦女。

Florry talbot , a blond feeble goosefat whore in a tatterdemalion gown of mildewed strawberry , lolls spreadeagle in the sofa corner , her limp forearm pendent over the bolster , listening . a heavy stye droops over her sleepy eyelid 弗洛莉塔爾博特,一個虛弱,胖得像鵝一樣的金發娼婦,身穿發霉的草莓色襤褸衣衫,攤開四肢躺在沙發的一角,一只前臂從長枕上耷拉下來,傾聽著。

Now art thou sociable , now art thou romeo ; now art thou what thou art , by art as well as by nature : for this drivelling love is like a great natural , that runs lolling up and down to hide his bauble in a hole 此刻你多么和氣,此刻你才真是羅密歐了;不論是先天還是后天,此刻是你的真面目了;為了愛,急得涕零滿臉,就像一個天生的傻子,奔上奔下,找洞兒藏他的混兒。

And behind his back , the marquis de chouard , who was sure that he could not be seen , made so bold as to wink at nana , his whole face suddenly altering its expression as he did so , and his tongue nigh lolling from his mouth 他向梳妝室外走去,舒阿爾侯爵跟在他后邊,他想伯爵不會看見自己,便壯著膽子向娜娜眨眨眼,伸伸舌頭,做了一個鬼臉。

By brady s cottages a boy for the skins lolled , his bucket of offal linked , smoking a chewed fagbutt . a smaller girl with scars of eczema on her forehead eyed him , listlessly holding her battered caskhoop 一個拾破爛的少年在布雷迪公寓1旁閑蕩,臂上挎了一籃子提梁是用繩子綁的碎肉,吸著人家嚼剩的煙頭。

She lolls on the sofa and lulls herself with mulled beer or by mulling over how to make a mull of all dolls that dare to loll their heads on the shoulders of her sterling darling 她?躺在沙發上,而藉加料溫啤酒來給自己催眠,或藉熟思如何搞垮所有那些美娃們,那些美娃膽敢把頭?靠在她真正的愛人的肩膀上。

Speech treatment included audio discrimination , behaviour training , lip phone training , aspirates and fricatives training , tongue lolling out , comprehensive training , et al 語音治療采取辨聽訓練、行為治療、唇音訓練、送氣音和摩擦音訓練、舌外伸訓練和綜合訓練等方法,由淺入深,由筒單到復雜。

To anyone who has spent time in india ' s villages , paying to sun oneself among cattle lolling and drying cowpats might seem a little far fetched 游客也許會覺得花錢去鄉下曬太陽、看牛羊甚至牛糞太不值了,但印度旅游部部長喬杜里表示,此次推出的鄉村旅游將被打造成感受異國情調的特色之旅。

As soon as he was lolling in his place on the sofa , after a couple of bottles of margaux , he was surrounded by a circle of friends , and arguments , disputes , and jokes sprang up round him 他一喝完兩瓶馬爾高酒,隨便倒在他坐的沙發上,人們就把他圍住,議論紛紛,爭吵不休,笑話喧闐。

Molly drawing on the frosted carriagepane at kingstown . what s that like ? gaudy dollwomen loll in the lighted doorways , in window embrasures , smoking birdseye cigarettes 衣著花哨像玩偶般的女人懶洋洋地靠在燈光明亮的門口或漏斗狀窗口,吸著鳥眼紋理煙卷77 。

The russian officer in charge of the transport lay lolling back in the foremost cart , and was shouting coarse abuse at a soldier . in each of the long german 一名押運的俄國軍官把手腳伸開懶洋洋地躺在前面的大車上,一面叫喊著什么,一面說著士兵的粗話罵人。