
lol LOL = laughing out loud 【計算機...


I fist sore tony in hero and i know its sad but i went back and watched the sences with him in over and over agian lol . . he ahs to be one of the hotest guys i have ever seen . . . and i am trying to get ahold of more of his films 看的第一部他的電影是《英雄》 ,我認為那部電影不怎么樣,但我一次又一次的倒回去看有他的那些場景… …他絕對是我曾經見過的最帥的男人… …正試著找到更多他的電影來看。

Lol . . . . know the origin of the word before you try applying it into context . . . you can ' t even get the origin of the word right in the first place , how do you expect ppl to believe your reasoning is right 只是我得告訴您件事. . .字典的解釋并不能總是合于文意的;尤其在這與古文脫節的時代要讀懂古文必須針對字典的解釋并融會人情世故才能做出更完整的解釋

A day after tomorrow , the movie would not be that well received ! ( lol ) the reason why i want to watch a movie is that it gives me hope and encourages me to lead a more active and optimistic life 我想若《明日之后》的結局是所有人都死掉,那就不會這么賣座的,哈哈… …這也是個簡單的觀感,為何我要看這部電影?

Lol i admire your courage , even though people give you a hard time and accuse you of lying , you come back for more . btw thanks for the post , great information 哈哈,你的消息真靈通呀,我好崇拜你。雖然這里的人并不太喜歡你而且大家認為你愛撒謊,你還是老跑回來。順便謝謝你的貼子,真是好消息呀。

No , but compiler doesn t give an error when do syntax parsing or p2 or 2nd pass . and when compiler needs to generate code and finds out the error . lol , and my case is a little bit similar 當初是你們把我趕出你們黃家的,今天,你除非用八抬大轎抬我回去,否則我誓死改嫁,可你說能行嗎?

Haha ( lol ) . they understand that pushing only causes negative effect on the quality of my work . moreover , they are usually very nice to me , giving me freedom and respecting what i love to do 我又有很多古靈精怪的構思,那就拿出來給他,我這個人又很好的,不會太過堅持。

Lol ! i think t - mac slightly overestimated yao ' s athletic abilities on that one . you can ' t blame the man , he thinks yao can do it all and fly like superman 哈哈,我想這個球麥迪高估了姚明的運動能力。我們不能責備他,他以為姚可以象超人一樣飛起來灌籃。

I am just an amateur lyrics writer . . . but somehow it is actually more profitable than screenwriting , lol . the first lyrics i wrote is the song “ this life “ for the movie 到我真正做監制的時候,可能要到我真正清楚整個電影制作過程的時候,才會有此嘗試。

Do you think it s wierd that one of my pet peeves is that the toilet tissue in my restroom has to face a particular direction ? lol free , gifts 您認為它是一個我的寵物peeves是的wierd衛生紙在我的休息室必須任意面對一特殊direction ? lol ,禮物。

. . really , i wouldn ' t look it in this way if he didn ' t describe it as that , but now , they indeed look a bit like . . . lol , although the pic isn ' t too clear . . .如果不是他這樣形容,我倒沒有想到這. .現在看起來還倒有點像. . . ^ ^雖然圖片不太清楚。

I don ' t know how soon , my sunshine will gone by tow towers . but i think i have to buy a telescope first . because will have better view . lol ! ! ! ! 不知道多久的將來,我的陽光會被2座高樓奪走,不過我想可以先買個望遠鏡,也許有更好的風景!

Lol referring back to the previous question , this movie is about a simple and innocent world . that is why i picked cheung chau as our main setting 承接之前我所講的,這部片是想追求一個清新的世界,這要首先講為什么選擇長洲

) expect themselves to be too thin , so if you think you are “ too curvy “ , you are probably very attractive to an american man , lol )盼望自己是太稀薄的,因此,如果您認為您?太彎曲? ,您大概是非常可愛對一個美國人, lol 。

Lol i never look back ! every movie has its own life , there isn t any nostalgic feeling at all . i think your question is too hypothetical , haha 每部戲就有每部戲的生命,完全沒有什么情懷之類,你這問題假設性太高了!

Eric tsang was also bold backing me up in men suddenly in black , i know that many people told him not to do that , haha ( lol ) 而曾志偉當初支持我拍《大丈夫》亦很勇敢,雖然很多人都叫他不要這樣做… …哈哈!

Lol … back to english faster … let us celebrate the wonderful year2007 looking back from this calender … . mike and rainie together 丞琳在2007里帶給我們驚喜與快樂, 2008的到來讓我們更加喜歡丞琳也會永遠支持她的!

Lol what i learned from this movie is that it s actually possible to promote the story of the christ using a very violent approach 歷史記載的也是這樣說,米路吉遜用了一個極暴力的角度去拍,但這也是一個事實。

I have two jobs , so i just can sleep 4 to 6 hours a day . lol , thanks for your comment to let me not fall asleep , cuz im really bored 我有2份職業,所以每天只能睡4至6小時,哈哈,幸好有你的留言! !我不至于這麼悶

Lol the one that is soonest for us to begin is a cop movie . but certainly that is not going to be a traditional cop movie 而最快計畫好的,應該是一部警匪片,那當然又不是很傳統的警匪片啦!