
loki n.【北歐神】洛基〔不斷制造糾紛、禍害的神〕。


It won the 1998 gordon bell price performance prize . this is remarkable , perhaps ironic even , given mr . bell s professional association with the microsoft bay area research center and the fact that the loki cluster consisted of 16 200 mhz cpus networked together with fast ethernet running under linux 這是不平常的,甚至可能是諷刺性的:設想一下bell先生與microsoft bay area研究中心的職業聯系,以及由快速以太網聯接的16塊200 mhz cpu所組成的loki群集運行在linux下這一事實。

According to one class one responsibility and enforcing the reuse , discuss the system design of high - strength concrete expert system , through compare template method with derivation and hard coding , discuss a new construct method based on the genscatterhierarchy class in loki lib 接著從系統設計出發,討論了高強混凝土專家系統的設計取舍,以hardcoding與繼承、模板三種方式的比較,引出一個以loki庫的genscatterhierarchy類為基礎的新的搭建方式。

According to one of the stories in norse mythology , loki ( the god of destruction and spirit of evil ) broke into a banquet and sat at the table together with balder ( the god of light ) and the other gods 據挪威一個神話故事說,洛基(主管破壞和妖魔鬼怪之神)闖入一個宴會,宴會桌旁坐著博爾德(光明之神)等諸神。

Engaging in bloody rune - carving and dangerous traps reminiscent of the norse deity loki , they personify the madness that runs through the chaotic side of scandinavian myth 血腥的如尼雕刻和各種危險的玩意讓人回憶起挪威人的破壞神洛基,哦,多么的動人,一切的一切都被賦予了斯堪的納維亞人神話中那種瘋狂。

As mentioned above , most supercomputers have cost millions of dollars , but loki s cost was approximately 63 , 000 , and again , the cost went to hardware 正如前面所提到的,大部分超級計算機價值幾百萬美元,而loki的成本只有大約6萬3千美元,而且同樣的,成本主要歸于硬件。

[ img = 17 , 15 ] http : / / www . loki - game . com / en / lejeu / img / puce . gif [ / img ] [ b ] ladder : [ / b ] an on - line ranking system allows players to see where they stand compared to other players 天梯模式: (玩暗黑的人都知道的吧)一種在線排名系統使玩家能夠看到自己和別的玩家的比較。

One evening , while thor was away hunting , loki the trickster god entered thor ' s home and cut off all of thor ' s wife ' s hair while she was sleeping 一天傍晚正當托爾離開去打獵時,洛基,騙子之神,進來了托爾的家中,趁著托爾妻子在睡覺的時候,把她的頭發全剪掉了。

From 00 to generic programming , template metaprogram , generative programming ; from com to com + , web service ; from stl to ace , boost , loki , ice 從oo到泛型到模板元編程到產生式編程;從com到com +到webservice ;從stl到ace到boost到loki到ice 。

Loki approached the skilful dwarves and negotiated for a fine head of golden hair in exchange for a life of servitude to the dwarfs 洛基找上了有技術的小矮人,而且商量以他替奧丁,最高級的神,一生的奴役來交換一頭純金黃的頭發。

Loki pleaded for mercy , promising to visit the dark elves of the underworld and get new hair , lovelier even than the hair he had cut 洛基求饒,答應說會去探訪地獄的黑妖精,拿到新頭發,還會比那他剪掉的頭發更好看。

Loki knew he had to escape , or be locked into servitude and so offered to deliver the spear to odin 洛基知道他得逃走,要不然就得一生斷送在奴役身上,因此就自愿要求要把那茅送到奧丁那兒。

In fact , loki ? s intrusion was part of his artful scheme that caused balder ? s death 實際上,洛基闖宴是害死光明之神博爾德陰謀的一部分。

Um , when l get back from loki 呃,等我從洛基回來

Recognising the sandal , he sought out loki and began to beat him 認出了那拖鞋,他找到了洛基,然后開始打他。

Why go all the way up to loki 為何大老遠跑去洛基?

Let me take you back to loki 還是讓我把你帶回洛基吧

Seems they hired a car and driver in loki and then headed east 像是在洛基租的車子和司機然后朝東行駛

Information about the loki cluster can be found at 關于loki群集的信息可以在

L ' m the one who told them she was going to loki 我就是那個告訴他們她要去洛基的人