
loiterer n.閑混的人,混日子的人。


Although unusual in the dublin area , he knew that it was not by any means unknown for desperadoes who had next to nothing to live on to be about waylaying and generally terrorising peaceable pedestrians by placing a pistol at their head in some secluded spot outside the city proper , famished loiterers of the thames embankment category they might be hanging about there or simply marauders ready to decamp with whatever boodle they could in one fell swoop at a moments notice , your money or your life , leaving you there to point a moral , gagged and garotted 盡管這在都柏林區是罕見的,然而還會有缺衣少食的亡命之徒埋伏在荒郊僻野處,把手槍頂在安分守已的路人頭部加以威脅。他們可能像泰晤士河堤岸上那些饑餓的窮流浪漢似的到處蕩來蕩去,對你進行突然襲擊,逼你交出錢來,否則就要你的命。把你搶個精光之后,還往你嘴里塞上東西,脖子用繩索勒起,把你丟在那兒,以便警告旁人,他們就逃之夭夭。

Outside a shuttered pub a bunch of loiterers listen to a tale which their broken snouted gaffer rasps out with raucous humour . an armless pair of them flop wrestling , growling , in maimed sodden playfight 已經撂下百葉窗的酒吧外面,聚著一群游手好閑的人,傾聽著他們那個塌鼻梁的工頭用急躁刺耳的沙聲講著妙趣橫生的故事。

Here and there in the passing crowds one might see , now and then , a loiterer edging interestedly near 在四周過往的人群中,不時可以看見個把閑逛的人有目的地磨蹭著挨近了他。

Local toughies of fourteen were practicing the dangerous - loiterer bit as we passed 在我們經過之處, 14歲的當地小流氓正游蕩街頭,一副惹禍滋事的樣子。

Midnight pedestrians and loiterers stopped and stared as the company passed 當隊伍走過時,半夜的行人和閑蕩者都駐足觀望。

The loiterers jays , that s a good one 他不自在地泛著微笑。

The loiterers guffaw with cleft palates . o jays 從豁嘴唇里發出傻笑哦,天哪

At every pause in the music she gracefully waved her flower-basket round, inviting the loiterers to buy . 歌聲一停,她就文靜地向四周移動花籃,請那些悠閑的人們購買鮮花。

Some purpose or other is so natural to every one, that a mere loiterer always looks remarkable . 每個人當然總有點什么事情要做,所以一個光是游來蕩去的人,總顯得挺特別。