
loiter vi.,vt.游手好閑,閑逛;耽擱;混日子;混掉(時間)...


I had heard them , alone at the bedside , striking their boots with their riding - whips , and loitering up and down 我一個人坐在床前時就已聽見他們用馬鞭抽打著靴子,踱來踱去。

The high school students like to loiter in the central square ; who is this man that is hanging around the department 高中學生喜歡在中心廣場閑蕩;在部門閑蕩的那個人是誰。

How restlessly we pace the aisles , damning the minutes for loitering - waiting , waiting , waiting for the station 可是我們現在在過道里不耐煩地踱來踱去,咒罵火車的拖拖拉拉

If have a power fail for a day , we can go out to loiter about or sit together to chat , talk heart with family 如果停電一天,我們可以出去閑逛或和家人坐在一起聊天、談心。

Introduction : game on : halloween but western banba loitering days oh , look , there are several candy ? 游戲介紹:萬圣節可是西方萬鬼游蕩的日子哦,看看,有好幾種糖果呢。

Game on : halloween but western banba loitering days oh , look , there are several candy ? :游戲介紹:萬圣節可是西方萬鬼游蕩的日子哦,看看,有好幾種糖果呢。

On june 20 , police arrested the defendant when he was found loitering in the vicinity of the peak 警方于六月二十日發現被告在山頂一帶徘徊,于是將他拘捕。

The wind howling cities , the loss of their names fearful of the specter of the day loitering 風在呼嘯的城市中,遺失了自己名字的鬼魂終日惶惶的游蕩。

As i was very close to the louvre , i would loiter in the palace the whole morning 因為住處離羅浮宮很近,我就整個上午“泡”在羅浮宮里。

No person who is a “ tramp “ or “ vagrant “ shall loiter in any park at any time 流浪漢或無業游民無論何時都不得在任何公園里游蕩。

And so connie had come upon her in the drive , alone and palely loitering 這樣,康妮在馬路上碰見了,臉色蒼白,遲疑地不敢前進。

Me loitering in the shadows 游蕩很奇怪

O what can ail thee , knight - at - arms alone and palely loitering 哦,什么使你痛苦,金盔金甲的騎士為何獨自徘徊黯然神傷

- loitering around the jewellery section ? - no . i was just looking around -在首飾柜臺徘徊嗎? -不,我只是在四處張望。

Don ' t loiter your time away 不要虛度時光。

Loitering around the jewellery section ? - no . i was just looking around 在首飾柜臺徘徊嗎? -不,我只是在四處張望。

Me loitering in the shadows . . 游蕩很奇怪…

Two youths loitering near a supermarket were pulled in on suspicion 在一家超級市場附近閑逛的兩個年輕人涉嫌被捕。

Two youths loitering near a supermarket were pulled in on suspicion 在一家超級市場附近閑逛的兩個年輕人涉嫌被捕