
lois n.洛伊絲〔女子名〕。


For i am mindful of the sincere faith within you , which first dwelt in your grandmother lois and your mother eunice , and i am sure that it is in you as well 提后1 : 5想到你心里無偽之信這信是先在你外祖母羅以、和你母親友尼基心里的我深信也在你的心里。

She became like a sister to arvella and me . late one evening lois telephoned . she had worked through the day , but had left early to go to the doctor 若你早上不愿起來,想到要上班你就厭煩我要給你一些建議,走到屋外,看著天空,說:謝謝,謝謝,謝謝。

I have been reminded of your sincere faith , which first lived in your grandmother lois and in your mother eunice and , i am persuaded , now lives in you also 5想到你心里無偽之信。這信是先在你外祖母羅以,和你母親友尼基心里的。我深信也在你的心里。

Having been reminded of the unfeigned faith in you , which dwelt first in your grandmother lois and your mother eunice , and i am persuaded dwells also in you 5記得你里面無偽的信心,就是先在你外祖母羅以,和你母親友尼基里面的,我深信也在你里面。

Portal maintained by lois gilbert offers websites for jazz musicians and organizations , podcasts and interviews , event calendar and bulletin board -爵士樂手寫給樂手及樂迷的專業網站,內有采譜分析爵士學習資訊歐洲現場報導爵士資源等等。

Having in mind your true faith , which first was in your mothers mother lois , and in your mother eunice , and , i am certain , is now in you 5想到你心里無偽之信這信是先在你外祖母羅以、和你母親友尼基心里的我深信也在你的心里。

Lois : you had a choice . you could have pretended we were sharing a moment of passion . but you didn ' t think of that , did you 你可有的選了。你本可以假裝我們倆正及時偷歡。但你根本就沒想到,是不是? (這個這個… …算是好提議? )

Do you ever read the lois and clark message board or if not , does anyone ever tell you about something they have seen on it 你有沒有讀過l & c留言板上的東西?如果沒有,那么有沒有人告訴過你關于他們在那上面看到的呢?

She had just had a baby , split with her husband of nine years , and lost her job when superman spin - off lois & clark was cancelled 她才生了個孩子,和她共過九年的丈夫離婚,又因為超人的姐妹秀被取消而失去了工作。

Superman returns from a five - year journey to krypton to find paramour lois lane is now a mother who is about to be married 從歷時五年的氪星之旅歸來的超人發現,愛人路易斯?萊恩已為人母,即將出嫁。

Lois : you ' re waiting for me to ' talk about it . ' to ' open up . ' see ? this is exactly why i hate partnerships 你等著我“談談那事兒” ,等著我“敞開心扉” 。看到沒有?這就是為什么我討厭拍檔關系。

Lois : have you ever known anybody so wrapped up their work that they don ' t have time for anyone or anything . . . 難道你就從來不認識誰全神貫注在工作上而不肯花一點點時間在其他人或其他事上?

I remember my secretary i had longest probably was lois wendell way back in the early days of this church 跟我合作最久的秘書是傅瑪莉,那是教堂早期的事

Clark ' s unrequited love for lois and her crush on superman are the soul of the story 克拉克對路易斯不求回報的愛以及她對超人的迷戀是故事的靈魂所在。

We keep a database of the buyers and agents who provide the lois , as do our suppliers 如同供應商一樣,我們建有客戶以及提供常購貨物供應商的數據庫。

System security and user data security are comprehensively considered in the model Lois系統的安全模型包括自身數據安全與應用數據安全兩個方面。

Miss lois li 李慧嬈小姐

Lois : superman wouldn ' t cut me out of the story by ratting on me to the opposing team 超人不會把我出賣給對手還把我踢出報道的調查。

As clark exits the building , he picks lois hat off the ground , looks up 克拉克走出大樓,從地上把露易絲的帽子撿起來,抬頭看。