
loire n.羅亞河〔法國第一大河〕。


Tours , located on the loire , is a significant communication center of france with an exceptional historical past . the highlight of today s sightseeing tour is a visit to the castle of chenonceaux , often referred to as the most romantic of all the loire castles 羅亞爾河流域古堡云集,以雪漢梭古堡最具代表性,五百年的歷史里,女人始終是這兒的主人,多人風流的韻事,隨著時光流傳不息。

Morning drive through the loire valley then onto 13 , 600 - acre park of chambord and stop for pictures in front of the massive renaissance chateau , built in 1519 by francis i . visit lovely chenonceaux , the 16th century chateau of catherine de medici 隨后參觀最具羅曼蒂克情調的城堡建于橋上的雪濃梭堡,至今內部裝潢及家俱皆保持原狀,是法國最有參觀價值的古堡。

Next we visit the castle of chambord , the largest of the loire castles , built in 1519 by the king of france francis i . the castle is impressive by its size , its plan overall points out that of a medieval fortress 隨后參觀在幽密森林中的香波堡此為羅亞爾河流域最大的城堡擁有440個房間365個壁爐其中風格獨特的螺旋雙梯,是達文西的精心杰作。

When the emperor returned from the island of elba , my brother instantly joined the army , was slightly wounded at waterloo , and retired with the army beyond the loire . 當皇帝從厄爾巴島回來的時候,我的哥哥立刻就去參了軍,在滑鐵盧受了輕傷,隨軍退到了盧瓦爾。 ”

A journey on the loire is a meander in history , art and daily life . it is in a corner of europe that etched itself deeply in the heart and mind 暢游在盧瓦爾河,仿佛是行進在歷史、藝術與現實的交錯之中。在這歐洲的一角,它已被深深鐫刻在人們的心靈之中。

A journey on the loire is a meander in history , art and daily life . it is in a corner of europe that etched itself deeply in the heart and mind 暢游在盧瓦爾河,仿佛是行進在歷史、藝術與現實的交錯之中。在這歐洲的一角,它已被深深鐫刻在人們的心靈上。

Before leaving st . malo , have a walk tour on the old fortress . drive to angers , gateway to the river loire valley 上午漫步石頭城墻上,欣賞圣馬羅安詳優雅的海景,古都安杰是羅亞爾河谷的門戶老城。

The sounds of these words evoke the flow of soft wine across your tongue : bordeaux , val de loire and beaujolais 這些地名就像柔滑的葡萄酒一樣從你的舌間流出:波爾多、瓦?盧瓦爾和博若萊。

The world - famous loire valley - best known for its wines and chateaux - extends across two regions in west and central france 以葡萄酒和城堡聞名世界的羅亞爾河谷跨于法國中部和西部。

Very much like a good loire sauvignon . intense fruit flavours , racy acidity , good length and mineral quality 非常象盧瓦谷蘇維翁,有濃厚的果味,清爽的酸度,帶礦石味,后味悠長。

France bretagne - pays de loire 法國藍色海岸

The chateaux of the loire , france 法國羅亞爾河谷

I want a wedding on the loire 我想在loire河上舉行婚禮

Housesitter requests france bretagne - pays de loire 尋求房屋打理法國布列坦尼

Overnight at tours on the banks of the loire 這里驚人的氣派壯觀堪稱全法國第一。