
loin n.1.〔pl.〕 【解剖學】腰;恥骨區;生殖器官。2....


Behold now , his strength is in his loins , and his power is in the muscles of his belly 16看哪, ?的力量在腰間,能力在肚腹的肌肉上。

[ kjv ] gird up now thy loins like a man ; for i will demand of thee , and answer thou me 現在你要如勇士束腰,我要問你,你要告訴我。

25g each of pork loin 環球之旅

For he was still in the loins of his father when melchisedec met him 10因為麥基洗德迎接亞伯拉罕的時候,利未還在他祖宗的腰中。

A fruit of sb . ' s loins 某人的孩子

A child of sb . ' s loins 某人生的孩子

Gird up now thy loins like a man ; for i will demand of thee , and answer thou me 現在你要如勇士束腰,我要問你,你要告訴我。

“ behold now , his strength in his loins and his power in the muscles of his belly 伯40 : 16他的氣力在腰間、能力在肚腹的筋上。

Be sprung from sb . ' s loins 是某人所生

Again he measured a thousand , and brought me through ; the waters were to the loins 再量了一千肘,使我趟過水,水便到腰。

“ now gird up your loins like a man ; i will ask you , and you instruct me 伯40 : 7你要如勇士束腰我問你、你可以指示我。

She looked in the other mirror s reflection at her back , her waist , her loins 他向后邊那面鏡子照著,望著她的腰身。

Thou broughtest us into the net ; thou laidst affliction upon our loins 11你使我們進入網羅,把重擔放在我們的身上。

What strength he has in his loins , what power in the muscles of his belly 16它的氣力在腰間,能力在肚腹的筋上。

Lolita , light of my life , fire of my loins . my sin , my soul 洛麗塔,我生命之光,我欲念之火。我的罪惡,我的靈魂。

“ he loosens the bond of kings and binds their loins with a girdle 伯12 : 18他放松君王的綁、又用帶子捆他們的腰。

The loins are short and muscular 腰短而肌肉發達。

Pro 31 : 17 she girdeth her loins with strength , and strengtheneth her arms 箴31 : 17他以能力束腰,使膀臂有力。

He looseth the bond of kings , and girdeth their loins with a girdle 18他放松君王的綁,又用帶子捆他們的腰。