
logy adj.(-gier; -giest) 〔美國〕1.舉動...


According to the general principles of biomineralization , we used many functional organic templates , which can efficiently interact with caco3 crystal , to control the crystal form and the morphology of caco3 . many systematic studies o f the influence of various experimental parameters , such as ph of solution , concentration of additives and caco3 , temperature , aging time , etc . , on the morpho - logy and size of caco3 crystals are investigated 我們系統地分析了各種實驗參數,例如溶液的ph值、有機大分子的濃度、碳酸鈣的濃度、環境溫度、陳化時間等對碳酸鈣粒子形貌及大小的影響,合成出了一系列具有奇異形貌的碳酸鈣材料,豐富了碳酸鈣形貌的種類,并對這類材料的礦化機理進行了較深入的研究。

Although there is n ' t an uniform definition of the venture capital in the industry , we can define our native venture capital including five characteristics : the main investing object is high - techno logy industry ; since the high risk of the object , the manner which the venture capital adopted is mainly share investment in order to conciliate the high risk and high proceeds ; the venture capital ought to invest in a fixed period and could supply value - added service 風險投資的內涵在業界雖然沒有統一的定義,但就我國現有風險投資的發展來看,我國風險投資的概念應當定位在五個方面:主要的投資對象是高科技產業,由于所投資對象的高風險性,風險投資必然追求高風險與高收益的調和,因此其采用的投資方式應當主要是股權投資,同時,風險投資應當是有期限的投資,并能夠提供增值服務。

To confirm the approval of recombinant pcdnas - tgfjtf , gene and the results of its transfection , we used immuhistochemical staining ( sabc ) . the department of or a logy 4 multiplication and differentiation of bmscs were observed by flow - cytometry ( tcm ) , transilluminating electron microscope ( tem ) and other methods . the bmscs in controlled group was transfected with pcdna3 only 采用電泳檢測pcdna3 - tgf _ 1構建是否成功;通過tgf _ 1免疫組化染色檢測轉染是否成功;運用形態學觀察、透射電鏡( tem ) 、流式細胞儀( fcm ) 、堿性磷酸酶( alp )染色、型膠原免疫組化染色等方法,觀察轉染后bmscs增殖與分化情況。

This is the concerning the religious thought and the academic exchanges forum , representing all religious religious leaders to answer your logy difficulty in the world here , if having an expert the scholar and canting overcome of philosophy , the method learn , society , theology etc . the topic please communicate here 這是關于宗教思想和學術的交流論壇,在這里代表世界上所有的宗教教主回答你們的神學疑難,如果有專家學者克服不了的哲學,法學,社會,神學等課題請在此交流

Confucianism starts from death onto logy and holds the reason doctrine attitude that death must come . it fills up the gap between life and death with humanity ' s existence and encourages people to word hard before death for developing their causes , cultivating and acting on their moral quality with the fames spreading far and wide after death 儒家從死亡本體論出發,對死亡所持的是死亡必至的理性主義態度,經由“仁”的“生生”填平了“生”與“死”之間的鴻溝,并用死后的聲名遠揚來激勵人們生前努力于事業的開拓、道德人格的培育和踐履。

The preliminary results as follows : - different doses ir induced gl / s cell cycle checkpoint in hela cells cyclin e / cdk2 kinase activity in hela cells decreased at ih , then increased at 3h , reached maximum at 12h exposed to2 gy - irradiation ; but its activity upregulation started at ih , and reached maximum at 12 h exposed to logy irradiation R )對細胞周期g1 / s檢查點的影響cycnne / cdkz激酶活性在zgy照射后lh略有下降, 3h略有回升, 12h活性達到最大; 10gy照射后其活性從lh開始增加, 12h活性達到最大。

In order to enlarge the productive scale and to improve the product techno - logy , the advanced circulation fluized bed combustion technology , the advanced equipment as well as funds will be imported from abroad . it is prodicted that 220ton hour circulation fluidized bed boiler output annual will be reached over 5 sets 太原鍋爐廠現有b級爐和一二類壓力容器的生產能力,并在循環流化床鍋爐的設計制造方面做了大量的工作,為擴大生產規模提高產品技術,擬引進國外先進的循環流化床燃燒技術,引進國外資金和先進設備,生產200噸時循環流化床鍋爐,年生產量達5臺以上。

The protein level of cyclin e increased lightly after 2gy , but it increased from 1 to 24 h after logy , level of cyclin e associated with cdk2 increased in response to logy , at the same time , there was no significant changes in the level of cdk2 , while cdk2 levels remained constant in hela cells . our results indicated that the kinetics of cyclin e / cdk2 kinase activity reflected the increase in cyclin e expression levels Cycline蛋白表達水平在zgy照射后略有增加, 1ogy照射后lh開始增加,持續到24h ,但ir后cdkz蛋白水平未發生變化,通過免疫共沉淀檢測了10gy照射后edkz與cydine結合,發現隨著照射時間的延長, cycline與cdkz結合量增多,這說明cycline蛋白水平的增加能反映cycline / cdkz的激酶活性。

The perception arrested him less when he reflected that what are called advanced ideas are really in great part but the latest fashion in definition - a more accurate expression , by words in logy and ism , of sensations which men and women have vaguely grasped for centuries 他想到,那些所謂的先進思想,大半都是用最時髦的字眼加以定義使用什么“學”或什么“主義” ,那么許多世紀以來男男女女模模糊糊地領會到的感覺,就會被表達得更加清楚了,想到這里,他也就不太注意了。

The protein level of p27 klpl increased at ih , decreased from 6 to 24h after 2gy , it decreased from 3 to 24 h after logy , and the level of p27kipl associated with cdk2 decreased , then lost its inhibition function to cyclin - dependent kinase Eycline / enkz的負調控因子p27k , p ’蛋白表達水平在zoy照射后lh略有增加, 6一9h開始下降; 10gy照射后3h開始下降,持續到24h ,可見,隨著ir劑量的加大和處理時間的延長, p27kip ‘蛋白表達水平下降的程度加大。

The result indicates : the new techno - logy of mechanical peeling , color and luster protection with an average of 2 . 0 % humidity and hot wind plus microwave drying can replace the traditional processing , it shorten processing time , promots the processing efficiency 結果表明,機械去皮、 2 . 0 %噴淋均濕護色、熱風微波干燥新工藝能較好地替代傳統加工工藝,并起到縮短加工時間、提高加工效率的作用。

Our factory has strong tech nical forces , a good assortment of equipment , aduvanced techno logy , especially thesurface of plastic parts adopting color curve film coating technique , thus products are quite well and win good reputation among broad masses of customers at home and abroad 專業生產各種鋁合金熒光燈具及各種建筑燈具的燈腳配件,廣告燈箱插頭線,護眼臺燈及負離子空氣清新機等產品。

In addition , the thesis verifies and comments elaborately the problem of existed editions of origin and development and quoted books by the theories of the classical literature , which edition - logy and catalogue - logy are concerned 此外,本文還運用版本學、目錄學等古典文獻學的理論和知識,對《呂氏春秋》高注傳世版本源流問題作了系統的考證工作,得知高注傳世版本雖繁雜,但基本一脈相承。

Compares with tradition way of robot control and analyses each advantage , and introduces system frame , in what follows discusses the key techno - logy of system , in the end the prototype system has been implemented 與傳統的機器人控制方法作比較,分析了各自的優勢,介紹了系統框架,討論了系統實現中的關鍵技術,最后實現了原型系統。

Abstract : the development history of the swing method of bridge construction and its application in china is introduced . its key techno - logy and several examples are presented 文摘:簡要介紹橋梁轉體施工方法的發展歷史和該方法在我國的應用與發展概況,闡述轉體施工法關鍵技術問題,并給出幾座橋梁轉體施工的實例。

Abstract : based on the design method and design means of the explosive network , cad techno logy is used to design the explosive network , and the research content and schem e are given 文摘:從爆炸網絡的設計方法和設計手段出發,采用計算機輔助設計( cad )實現爆炸網絡的設計,提出了研究內容和實施方案。

To now , the theories , fruits and methods of topology have already applied or seeped into almost every important field of mathematics even into physics , chemistry , bio - logy and engineering 如今,拓撲學的理論,成果和方法已應用或滲透到幾乎每一個重要的數學領域以及物理,化學,生物乃至工程技術中。

The instrumentation industry is undergoing a variety of exciting changes as a result of the rapidly development of computer techno logy micro - electronics technology and communication technology 隨著計算機技術、微電子技術和通訊技術的迅速發展,儀器工業正在經歷一場巨變。

Logy model : in market competition , those starts are slow , handle affairs the person with low efficiency , will be flooded without doubt by place of competitive spring tide 遲緩型:在市場競爭中,那些動作遲緩,辦事效率低下的人,將毫無疑問地被競爭大潮所沉沒。