
logotype n.1.【印刷】成語鉛字,連合活字。2.(廣告等用的)標...


Andersen biographer jens andersen said that although the fairy tale author would have loved the attention , a fear of crowds would have prevented him from wading through the sea of people and trinkets in copenhagen bearing the andersen logotype to attend a big event like saturday ' s concert 安徒生傳記的作者簡斯?安徒生說,盡管安徒生本人可能會喜歡受到如此關注,但他害怕人群,所以即使安徒生仍然在世,他也可能不愿意穿過人山人海和掛滿安徒生標識的哥本哈根去參加像星期六音樂會那樣的活動。

The 240 winning designs for 2005 are models of excellence and innovation in the use of type design , encompassing a wide range of categories , including books , magazines , corporate identities , logotypes , stationery , annual reports , video and web graphics , and posters 這240個2005年的獲獎字型設計作品包括:圖書,雜志,團體標志,徽章,信紙,年度報告,錄象以及網絡圖象,海報。

The k - head with its typical design and heimeier logotype has thus become an integral part of homes and offices 外形獨特的k旋鈕和heimeier標志已經成了德國家居住宅和辦公室不可分割的一部分。

The monogram and logotype that comprise our corporate logo have been carefully designed to work together as a whole 我們公司的標志是透過將文字交織及連合活字合而為一的細心設計而構成。

Name ( logotype ) . it is designed to work in black and white 的名字,設計可滿足黑白雙色的要求。

At the left is the official logotype of hkras 這個是香港爬蟲協會的官方標志。