
logo n.=logotype.


Yes , this is company introduction and logo 是的,這是公司的簡介和商標

To download our logo to use . 5 . can i use the content of 一版提供了二款logo供大家使用。

Listed below are wds trademarks and logos 以下列出的是wd的商標和標志。

B . trademark and logo usage guideline summary B .商標和徽標使用指南摘要

Any authorized usage of wd s logos must comply with wd s 所有經批準的wd標志必須符合wd的

Attention to the screen above the logo colors 注意屏幕上方的顏色標識。

Module is developed , which provides logo 控制模塊的系統軟件,為logo

The wastewi e logo was also presented at the ceremony 明智減廢計劃頒獎典禮亦同場舉行。

They got logos and edog , the leaders 他們肯定是logos和edog ,程序員的頭

A logo helps establish a company ' s corporate identity 商標有助于公司建立它的企業形象。

Also , i did some work on the logo design 而且,我在招牌設計上花了番心思

Usa , original logo and box , at us 15 聲音要脫胎換骨,換換5u4古典整流管吧

679 companies awarded caring company logo 間公司獲頒贈商界展關懷標志

Logo design concepts at the national cultural environment 民族文化語境下的標志設計理念

The union jack could be regarded as the logo of the 它是不列顛的標志嗎?

The logo is a registered trademark of the company 本公司社徽乃注冊商標。

Do you think this is a geed design as a logo 以商標而言,你覺得這算是一個好的設計嗎?

It should not be larger than the dvd format logo 不應比dvd格式標志更大。

But that little logo definitely gets you laid 但這個小圖標確實能幫你泡妞