
lognormal adj.【數學】對數正態的。n.-mality ,-ly...


So a new method ? scale analysis method ( or called fractal analysis method ) is applied to study the flood of jialing river basin . the scaling hypotheses is applied to the relationship of annual maximum flood and drainage area . and basing on the scaling lognormal model with two parameters introduced by smith , a lognormal model with three parameters of flood is introduced to represent the scale effect of drainage area in annual flood peak distributions 在洪水區域分析中一般采用洪水指標法,但該法的基本假定與實際情況存在矛盾,因此本文采用一種新的分析方法? ?標度分析法(或稱為分形分析法)來研究洪峰的區域變化,將標度不變性引入年最大洪峰流量? ?匯流面積關系中,并將其用于嘉陵江流域的洪水,另外,本文在smith提出的具有標度性質的二參數對數正態分布模型基礎上創造性地提出了三參數對數正態分布模型來表征年最大洪峰流量分布中匯流面積的尺度影響。

Through the i 、 q component of ipix radar sea clutter data “ s histogram analyses and by skewness and kurtosis computed , it is been shown that sea clutter amplitude is not rayleigh distribution ; through the comparison of amplitude histogram and distributed models with the same parameters , it is been shown that hh polarization clutter is lognormal distribution , whereas vv polarization is k - distribution ; at the same time the correlation function and power spectrum density are been analyzed , at last the correlation compound k - distribution stochastic sequences whose covariance matrix is been given are been generated through sirp algorithm 文中先介紹了海雜波幅度的有關模型,通過對ipix雷達海雜波數據的i 、 q分量的直方圖以及傾斜度和峰度進行了分析和計算,證明了海雜波幅度不服從瑞利分布;使用幅度直方圖和相同參數下的各種分布模型進行比較,得出hh極化符合對數正態分布,而vv極化服從k -分布的結論;同時對海雜波的相關函數和功率譜進行了分析,最后使用sirp算法產生了給定協方差矩陣的相關復合k -分布隨機序列。

According to the characteristics of uwb standard channel models , we propose the concept of “ composite lognormal random variables ( rvs ) ” . based on this new concept , a new and precise approach is proposed to approximate the statistical distribution of lognormal rvs ’ sum , which places no restriction on the distributional parameters and correlation between the two branches . then , we 在此基礎上,提出了一種新的對對數正態隨機變量和的統計特性進行近似的方法,該方法對變量的分布參數和變量間的相關特性沒有任何限制,且精度較已有方法有了進一步的提高。

The models of the stock price fluctuation is a mathematics model discribing the fluctuation of the stock price , it is all along the question financial scholars research over a long period of time , the models existing at present are mainly the model of randonm walk and the model of lognormal distribution etc . economists analyse the two models by authentic proof , which indicates that this two models do not fully qualify the actual stock market . in view of the above - mentioned facts , at the time some scholar have studied a new model of the stock price that even conforms to the actual stock market - that is the model of lognormal distribution 股票價格波動模型是用于描述股票價格波動的數學模型,一直是金融學者們長期研究的問題。目前存在的模型主要有隨機游走模型、對數正態模型等,鑒于股價波動的隨機游走模型和對數正態模型均經過實證分析,表明不完全符合現實的股票市場,目前理論研究者提出一種更符合實際股票市場的股價模型-股價波動源模型(文[ 5 ]的作者將股價異常變化帶來的短期收益率函數附加在幾何brown運動上,推廣了對數正態模型)及研究出了另一種混合形式下(見文[ 15 ] )的期權定價方程。

2 we use the sample of sem for different fe content have carried out shape look observation to show , sample from orientaton isotropy and distribution comparatively even approximate inlay mutually for spherical tiny granular to enter form , the average grain way in film 1 . 298 m ~ 2 . 158 urn satisfy each fe and cu granular average grain in lognormal distribution and annealing sample between diameter , between mean distance than do not the defect of little , explanation annealing sample of annealing sample is more few , tiny structure is much better , has more steady property 2 、用sem對不同fe含量的樣品進行了形貌觀測表明;樣品由取向各向同性、分布較均勻的近似為球形的微顆粒相互嵌入構成,膜中的平均粒徑在1 . 298 m 2 . 158 m之間滿足對數正態分布,退火樣品中的各fe 、 cu顆粒平均粒徑、平均間距比未退火樣品的小,說明退火樣品的缺陷更少,微結構更佳、性能更穩定。

The probability distribution of the ratio of the maximum corrosion depth to the general corrosion depth was analyzed . through k - s test , it was found that this ratio follows the normal distribution or the lognormal distribution , which constructs a relationship between the mean corrosion condition and the worst corrosion condition 分析了最大腐蝕深度與平均腐蝕深度比值的概率分布特征,通過k - s檢驗分析表明比值分布為正態分布或對數正態分布,這個指標建立了鋼筋銹蝕整體平均狀況與最嚴重狀況的關系。

And use relative fitting error to measure statistical data non - uniform error ; then introduce the method systematically of using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to carry on the overall superior test of the government statistical data quality . includes the establishment of step level appraisal target system , target weight determination , calculates the factor weight in various levels , uniform test of judgment matrix , and built up the final fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of the government statistical data quality according to the above - mentioned standard ; finally selects the partial main social economy total quantity target from chinese statistics yearbook 2003 to carry on the real diagnosis analysis : ( 1 ) confirm these social economy total quantity targets using the description statistics and the k - s inspection method to obey the lognormal normal distribution . ( 2 ) according to the two levels of inspection methods which this article proposed to carry on accuracy and the overall superior test for these social economy total quantity targets 本文首先從統計數據及質量的涵義出發,全面系統的介紹了統計數據質量的概念;其次,從研究統計數據的分布規律入手,對統計數據準確性檢驗問題進行了探討,利用對數正態分布檢驗對反映研究對象規模大小的統計數據的質量及異常數據進行定量檢查和識別,并利用相對擬合誤差計量統計數據的非一致性誤差;接著系統介紹了利用模糊綜合評價方法對政府統計數據質量進行整體優度檢驗的思路,具體包括建立遞階層次的評價指標體系,指標權重的確定,計算各層次中因素的權重,判斷矩陣的一致性檢驗,并根據上述標準建立了最終的政府統計數據質量模糊綜合評價模型;然后通過從2003年中國統計年鑒資料中選取部分主要的社會經濟總量指標進行實證分析: ( 1 )利用描述統計和k - s檢驗法來驗證這些社會經濟總量指標服從對數正態分布的規律; ( 2 )按照本文提出的二級檢驗法來對這些社會經濟總量指標進行準確性和整體優度檢驗,從而達到綜合評價政府統計數據質量的目的;最后對這種二級檢驗法的優點和不足進行小結,提出今后應該努力改進的方向。

Aimed at the feature of great fluctuation of water flow - rate in rivers and taking the monthly average flow - rate at low water with 90 % guaranty in recent ten years as design flow - rate , the permissible amount of major pollutants discharged into yellow river by lanzhou namely the stochastic environment capacity of waters , was determined by using a stochastic computation mode on the basis of lognormal distribution theory 摘要針對河水流量變化大這一特點,采用以對數正態分布理論為指導的隨機計算模式,以近十年90 %保證率最枯月平均流量為設計流量,確定黃河蘭州段主要污染物的容許排污量,即隨機水環境容量。

Underlying the assumption that the stock price accords with the model of the stock price fluctuating sources , by comprehensivily applying the stochasitic differential theory and no - arbitriagc thcory , this paper , under the conditions that the risk - free rate r is constant or ito stochasitic process , successively works out the option pricing about the stock price model with that the short - term profit function is piecewise lecture function arid that one with that the short - term profit function is possion jump process , derivats counterpart partial differential equation of option pricing . the outcome states : 1 . when the short - term profit function is unusual flunctuating sources bring out a piecewise lecture function , this amendment on the lognormal distribution model does not improve the option price , because this partial differential equation of option pricing is the same one underlying the lognormal distribution model ( see equation 2 . 14 ) 本文基于股價符合波動源模型的假設,綜合運用隨機微分理論等數學原理和無套利理論等金融理論,依此對短期收益率函數為分段階梯函數和possion跳躍過程的股價波動源模型分別在無風險利率是常數和隨機過程的條件下作了期權定價,推導出了相應的期權定價偏微分方程,結果表明: 1 、由異常波動源帶來的短期收益率函數是分段階梯函數時,這種對股價對數正態分布模型的修正不能改善期權價格,因為基于這種模型的期權定價偏微分方程與基于股價對數正態分布模型的期權定價偏微分方程完全相同(見方程2 . 14 ) 。

Abstract : in this paper , we obtain the point estimetions and the approximate confidence interval of the environment factor of the lognormal distribution based on the censoring samples . the accuracy of the approximate confidence interval is studied by the simalation method 文摘:本文導出了壽命分布為對數正態分布時基于截尾樣本環境因子的點估計和近似置信限,對所給近似置信區間作了模擬研究。

Results show that the distributions of the permeability coefficient and anti - permeability strength are all subject to lognormal distribution , normal distribution , extremum i distribution and f distribution , and the lognormal distribution has the best fitting effect 粗砂的滲透系數和抗滲強度概型分布均符合對數正態分布、正態分布、極值i型分布和分布,其中以對數正態分布的擬合效果最好。

In this paper , we study the type - i life test of lognormal , normal and weibull distributions with large numbers of samples , get the approximate confidence regions of the parameters , and do many stochastic simulations on the theoretical basis with computer 本文研究了大樣本定時截尾壽命試驗下對數正態分布、正態分布和weibull分布參數的近似置信域,并在理論基礎上進行隨機模擬。

Based on the analysis of experimental data from actual engineering , corrosion distribution law of general corrosion was found to follow the lognormal distribution through k - s test , while the localized corrosion follows the extreme distribution of type 根據工程實際檢測數據的統計分析,通過k - s檢驗得出了均勻腐蝕深度服從對數正態分布,局部腐蝕深度服從極值型分布的規律。

2 . we have mixture exponential distribution and mixture lognormal distribution as examples , discuss the details of the model and the method . the estimation is proved to be practicable and effective through simulation 分別以混合指數分布和混合對數正態分布為例,具體討論了文中提出的估計方法,并利用數值模擬驗證了文中所給方法的可行性和估計的有效性。

The research findings are as follows : 1 . the distributions of patch size are extremely uneven in eight types of greenland , each of which includes many small patches , and most of them show a lognormal pattern of distribution 結論如下: 1城區綠地斑塊大小分布極不均衡, 8種類型都是以小斑塊為最多。 8種類型斑塊大小分布中, 7種類型服從對數正態分布。

On the assumption that the hydraulic conductivity field follows a lognormal distribution , the direct fourier transform is introduced to generate muhiple realizations of hydraulic conductivity field 據以往研究,假設滲透系數場遵循對數正態分布,利用直接傅立葉變換方法來生成滲透系數隨機場。

On the assumption that investment funds follow lognormal distribution , the reinsurance pricing question affected by investment gains is discussed from the reinsurers ' angle 摘要從再保險人的立場出發,在投資基金服從對數正態分布的假定下,討論了在投資收益影響下的再保險保費定價問題。

As to normal distribution , we find the pivot , which we get from the limit distribution of total test time , is approximate with the one from the case of lognormal distribution 對于正態分布場合,本文給出了總試驗時間的漸近正態分布,利用對數正態場合的結果得到參數的近似置信域。

In the case of lognormal distribution , we obtain the limit distribution of the sum of the logarithm of every sample ' s test time , and construct the pivot 對于對數正態分布場合,本文給出了樣品試驗時間對數和的漸近正態分布,構造了樞軸量。