
logistics n.【軍事】后勤學;后方勤務。 a logistics ...


Experienced domestic global logistics operation 有經驗的國內和全球物流運營。

Ways of port enterprises organizing logistics alliance 港口企業組建物流聯盟的途徑

Session 1 : maritime , logistics and infrastructure 第一節:航運物流及基礎建設

Logistics in supply chain and the environment protection 供應鏈中的物流與環境保護

Logistics data processing and consultation services 物流信息處理和咨詢服務功能。

Construction of virtual emergency logistics system 突發事件虛擬物流體系的構建

The thought of advanced logistics development in china 關于我國現代物流發展的思考

Managing policy of the logistics for the third party 第三方物流企業的經營策略

Executive msc in logistics supply chain mgt 高級管理人員物流和供應鏈管理理學碩士

Probing socialization of logistics service in hospital 醫院后勤服務社會化探索

The conference room of the government logistics centre 政府物料營運中心閣樓會議室

Logistics marketing strategy and marketing environment 物流營銷戰略和營銷環境

What is the size of the mainland logistics market 內地的物流市場究竟有多大?

The trend of the third party logistics market in china 中國第三方物流市場發展趨勢

Development goal of logistics industry of port of shanghai 上海港物流產業發展方向

Provide cargo warehousing and logistics operations 提供貨物倉儲設施和物流服務

On modern logistics industry development in shanghai 上海發展現代物流業的思考

2 adopting third part logistics service plan 2各類企業采用第三方物流服務方案

The issue of principal - agent of vehicle logistics 整車物流中委托代理問題的研究