
logie n.(演戲用的)假珠寶。


Scot alex james , famed for his long baggy shorts , won four league titles and two fa cups in the arsenal side of the 1930s , and his ability to do the unexpected at inside - forward was matched by jimmy logie , a creative force in the 1953 side 詹姆斯以他的長長松松垮垮的短褲聞名,隨30年代的阿森納贏得了四次聯賽冠軍和兩次足總杯,他作為內鋒出人意料的表演唯有洛吉可以媲美,洛吉是1953年阿森納的一個富有創造力的成員。

1928 the world ? s first television transmission in colour was made by john logie baird , at the baird studios in london 約翰?洛吉?貝爾德在倫敦貝爾德演播室作世界上第一次彩色電視演播。

A probe into the fate of eastward development of logie 邏輯學東漸的命運探析