
logician n.邏輯學家,論理學家。


Dong advocates “ wang dao san gang “ ( benevolent way of ruling and three cardinal guides ) , even ungrudgingly violates the pre - qin confucian scholastic positions , revises confucianism with huang lao xing ming ( schools of huangdi , taoists , legalists and logicians ) , and makes clear the spiritual transformation of confucian scholars under the han - dynasty autocratic unitarity 董仲舒倡“王道三綱” ,不借違背先秦儒家的學術立場,而以黃老刑名學說修正儒家學理,昭示了漢代大一統專制政治下儒家學者的精神蛻變。

“ my dear count , “ cried morcerf , “ you are at fault - you , one of the most formidable logicians i know - and you must see it clearly proved that instead of being an egotist , you are a philanthropist “伯爵閣下, ”馬爾塞夫大聲說道, “這回您錯了,您可是我所知道的最嚴謹的邏輯學家啊。您一定會清楚地看到,依據這個推理,您非但不是一個利己主義者,而且還是一個博愛主義者呢。

There we may learn that as credit sinks , the body becomes a corpse , and this is what must happen very soon to the banker who is proud to own so good a logician as you for his daughter . 在那兒,一個人可以學到:當信用消失的時候,肉體就沒有生命了。這就是那位有幸做一個女藝術家之父的銀行家不久就必須要遭遇到的情形。 ”

The rise of quot; mingjia quot; logician school in the late han dynasty and the emergence of the name quot; mingjiao quot 兼談與湯用彤先生名教觀點之異同

On the opinions of logic falsehood of ancient chinese logician 中國古代邏輯學者的邏輯謬誤論

Formal logicians are not concerned with existential matters which are precisely what artists are concerned with . 形式邏輯學家并不關心存在的事物,而藝術家所關心的則正是這些東西。