
logicality n.邏輯性。


But the research scope of the mainstream of western economics also is shrunk because of its descriptive certainty , precision and deductive logicality , which made many basic economic questions and real life could n ' t be fully and scientifically explained under this logical framework 然而,以其表述的確定性與精確性,推導上的邏輯性,這也使主流經濟學研究范圍日益縮小,以致許多經濟的基本問題在這一邏輯范圍內不可能得到有效的說明,并對活生生的現實生活也缺乏科學合理的解釋,甚至于不可能有效地提出問題。

For a long time , under the influence of the subject - centered curriculum theory , the chemistry teaching materials in senior middle school always adopt chemistry - centered model in our country , the compilers have stressed on the logicality and integrity of chemistry knowledge , which made the teaching materials to be the reduced books of chemistry knowledge . such kind of chemistry teaching materials is easy to “ teach “ but difficult to “ learn “ 長期以來,由于受學問中心課程理論的影響,我國傳統高中化學教材一直是以化學學科知識為中心來組織編排的,教材的編寫者非常注重化學知識的邏輯性和完整性,教材成為化學系統知識的縮印本,這類教材便于教師“教”但不利于學生“學” ,重視知識的傳授但忽視能力的培養

This kind of curriculum , which we call it the model curriculum , exhibits all knowledge with undoubtable certainty . it is supposed that students are able to develop themselves in accordance with fixed criteria and in certain directions through definite subjects and relevant methods . in this curriculum teachers are in charge of whole knowledge and definite answers to problems while students are thought to be only passive receivers , the subjectivity of teachers to the course is emphasized while tha . t of students to the course is not accepted , the logicality and normalization of knowledge are emphasized while the significance of knowledge to students “ present lives is not embodied 它以無庸置疑的確定性呈現各種知識。人們設想通過這些確定的內容與相應的方法可以使學生按照固定的規格與方向發展。在這種課程中,教師掌握著知識的全部,掌握著確定的答案,而學生只是被動的受體;它強調了教育者之于課程的主體性,卻沒有認可受教育者對課程的主體性,它強調了知識的邏輯性與規范性,卻無法體現知識對于學生當下生活的意義。

Its main content is to improve the capital stock level and the capital using efficiency through increase the people ' s optical level of holding money . for this , mckinnon and shaw put forward some material measures and they pointed out that there are inherent logicality among these measures , it means that there is material economical environment request for each measure 為達到經濟增長的目的,在理論中,麥金農和肖提出了具體的實施措施并且這一系列的措施之間具有內在的邏輯性,即每一步措施的實行都有具體的經濟環境要求。

In this thesis combination description of the theories on performance management has been made in order to clarifying the confusion and lopsided about the performance management . then do a careful exposition on bsc , kpi and mbo about their scientific , systematicness and logicality 本文系統綜述了績效管理的理論,澄清了目前對績效管理、績效考核認識的模糊性與片面性;對系統的績效管理方法如平衡計分卡、關鍵績效指標、目標管理等的科學性、系統性和邏輯性進行了詳細的論述。

This course aims not only to lay down a solid basis in mathematics for students to learn further advanced courses of mathematics and other specific courses of their respective science and engineering majors , but also to train and nurture students to master the abstractness , logicality and tightness embodied in mathematics , as to enable students to have the fundamental ability to understand and apply the logic relationship , study and grasp the abstract phenomena , and comprehend and utilize the mathematical rules 課程不但為學生學習后續數學課程和其他理工專業課程奠定必要的數學基礎,而且對學生在數學的抽象性、邏輯性與嚴密性方面進行一定的訓練和熏陶,使他們具有理解和運用邏輯關系、研究和領會抽象事物、認識和利用數形規律的初步能力。

Author made a synthetic analysis and summarization of western and chinese bibliographies , and did a further comparative research on the different behavior of their sociological thoughts in development stages , the different development way of their philosophy , unlike social background and logicality , the research result which the author got is that the western country and china have the same ecological and ethical aim of the theory of man is an integral part of nature which based on the adapting each other merits 本文對國內外相關文獻進行了綜合性的分析和總結,對比了中西方社會思潮在發展階段中的不同表現、中西方哲學的發展方向、中西方具有差異性的社會背景和思維方式,總結出中西雙方在相互吸收的基礎上,其追求的最終目標? ? “天人合一”的生態和倫理觀的目標是一致的。

The present studies have such problems : the connotation of great tourism power is obscure , the logicality in the studies is far from perfect , the subjective aims in the studies cannot match the actual aims , there is a paradox between the dynamic change in great tourism power and the static measurement of great tourism power standard , etc 目前的現狀是:旅游強國的內涵含混不清,研究的邏輯性難以經得起推敲,研究的主觀目標和研究的實際目標嚴重錯位,旅游強國的動態變化與衡量旅游強國標準的非動態化之間存在矛盾等等。

In fact , it has it ' s own inner - logicality , as there are specialities in the balance of interests of parties to a bankruptcy . there so many kinds of contract that legislation can not regulate the effect of bankruptcy announcement for all contracts 此種安排乍看不符法理,實則有其內在合理性,根本原因在于破產場合下各方當事人利益調整有其特殊性。由于合同種類繁多,立法不可能對每一種合同受到破產宣告的效力作逐一規定,因而設立一般性的處置原則誠屬必要。

Thats what follows from its being cold , and not staying at home when the child needs fresh air , he would say , with an exaggerated logicality , as it were punishing some one for that secret , illogical element working within him 因為天氣很冷,所以才要這樣做,而不是說,當孩子需要新鮮空氣的時候硬要他留在家里。 ”他說得特別合乎情理,就仿佛為了他內心產生這種隱秘的不合乎情理的智力活動而處罰某人似的。

Discharge declaration and registration have large data size , strong logicality , high professional requirements as the characteristics , so environmental protection departments must strive to strengthen the audit to obtain integrated and accurate data reporting 摘要排污申報登記工作具有數據量大、邏輯性強、專業要求高的特點,環保部門必須力求通過強化數據的審核來獲得完整、準確的排污申報數據。

Marine diesel union fuzzy neural network model can not only reflect the fuzzy character and logicality of main engine , but also avoid the joints between irrelevant parameters , simplify the network structure , and decrease the calculation . 2 船舶柴油機組合模糊神經網絡模型可以反映主機系統的模糊特性和邏輯特性,簡化了網絡結構,避免了無關性能參數之間的連接,減少了計算量; 2

The characteristic of the scientific theoretic beautyis different from the nature beauty , the social beauty and the art beauty , which is a high - level form of beauty with inherence , intellectuality and logicality 摘要科學理性美的特徵不同于自然美、社會美和藝術美,它是美的一種高級形式,其內涵在于“內在性” 、 “理智性”和“邏輯性” 。

An organic integrity of logicality with history , theory with practical demonstration , issues with countermeasures will be achieved in the process of analyzing and discussing . the thesis is divided into four parts to state 本文在分析論述中,力求使全文成為邏輯與歷史相統一,理論與實踐相結合,問題與對策相融合的有機整體。

The logicality of translation is the base and starting point of translation . so many versions , however , lack logicality , which is just the difficult point 4月29日9 : 46翻譯的邏輯性是翻譯的基礎和出發點,但是不少譯文卻缺乏邏輯性,翻譯的難點也正在于此。