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logical positivism 邏輯實證主義。


The non - ontological interpretation of rawls ' theory of justice by the theoretical circle is not fully correct since his theory has not only inherited rousseau ' s and kant ' s contract methods of rationalism but contain deep ontological essence , which is shown by primary logic setting , dictionary order with the priority of justice , ontological context of anti - logical positivism and argumentation way of “ introspective balance “ 摘要理論界關于羅爾斯正義論的非本體論解讀是不確切的,羅爾斯的正義論不僅繼承了盧梭和康德的理性主義契約論方法,而且有著深刻的本體論意蘊,它表現在原初狀態的邏輯設定、正義優先性的詞典性秩序和反邏輯實證主義的本體論語境以及“反思的平衡”的論證方法等方面。

This section first explains how the teachers train the ss “ critical thinking in composition writing with the methods of logical positivism and falsification , then tries to seek to the training ways of critical thinking by way of divergent thinking and convergent thinking , putting forward the two living attitudes : oppugning and criticizing , which are related to the model of composition teaching with critical thinking 2寫作與交流教學批判性思維的培養。這小節首先闡述如何用實證主義的證實和證偽的兩種方法在作文教學中培養批判性思維,然后運用求異思維、逆向思維去探討作文教學中批判性思維的培養路徑,并通過質疑和批判來強化作文教學中批判性思維的思想力度。

Part two : analytic positive law ' s absolute and non - absolute exclusion against morality . analytic positive law is based on the analytic positivism , and advocates the separation of law and morality . it maintains that law is a pure tool and the law ' s measurement standard is the clarity of utilitarianism and logical positivism , not moral value or other else 分析法學以分析實證主義方法為基礎,主張法律與道德的分離,認為法律是一種純粹的工具,法律的衡量標準是功利主義和邏輯實證的明確性,而不是道德價值或者其它。

This paper takes analysis to the institution of share - holding cooperative system firms , applies four methods which are research methods limited by research subject , unity between history and logic , logical positivism and ideology of game theory to study four problems which include the origin of share - holding cooperative system firms , the quality of share - holding cooperative system firms , the ownership structure of share - holding cooperative system firms and the development of share - holding cooperative system firms 本文選擇股份合作制企業的制度分析為題,在對前人研究成果的繼承和批判的基礎上,運用研究對象界定研究方法的選擇,歷史與邏輯的統一,邏輯實證和博弈論的思想來研究以下四個問題:股份合作制企業的產生及原因,股份合作制企業的性質,股份合作制企業的產權制度結構和股份合作制企業的發展。

Since over one century , especially in the latest 50 years , philosophy of science has developed continuously , from the logical positivism in the past to the constructivism , the main trend in the contemporary era . the connotation of the science essence has also experienced a great change 一個多世紀以來,特別是近五十年來,科學哲學得到了不斷發展,已由過去的邏輯實證主義轉向為當代主流的建構主義,科學本質的內涵發生了巨大改變。

Logical positivism thinks that metaphysical propositions beyond experience cannot be verified as truth or falsehood , so that they are meaningless at all 摘要邏輯實證主義認為形而上學表述的都是經驗之外的命題,由于它們無法被證實真與假,所以根本就沒有意義。

The use of non - positivist research method , however , does not preclude existential - phenomenology from addressing and / or sharing some of logical positivism ' s epistemological concerns 這是國內學術研究與國際接軌的重要表現,也是改善和提升研究質量的基本路徑。

From the above conclusions , it is easy to prove that idealism , positivism including logical positivism , and phenomenology are thoroughly wrong 由此可以證明唯心主義、實證主義包括邏輯實證主義,以及現象學徹底錯了。

Circumstances of quot; metaphysics quot; - a comparison on philosophical methods between logical positivism and marxism 邏輯實證主義哲學與馬克思主義哲學的方法比較

The verifiability of value - judgment : john dewey ' s criticism on the anti - value theory of logical positivism 杜威對邏輯實證主義反價值理論的批判

The association between positive proof method and logical positivism in criminology research 犯罪學實證研究方法與邏輯實證主義之關聯

On the theory about meaning and the principle of confirmation of logical positivism 論邏輯實證主義的意義理論和證實原則

Criticism on logical positivism ' s picture of science and its proposition 對邏輯實證主義科學觀及其原則的分析

The origin of logical positivism 邏輯實證主義的歷史淵源

The ontological base of logical positivism 邏輯實證主義的本體論基礎

On logical positivism s outlook of scientific explanation 論邏輯實證主義的科學解釋觀