
logical adj.1.邏輯的,邏輯上的;邏輯學上的。2.合乎邏輯的...

logical empiricism

Minimizing logical functions using quine - mcclusky tabular method 法化簡邏輯函數

The extension of the colonial system, especially during the late nineteenth century, is seen by radical economists as the logical expansion of local exploitation to world dimensions . 殖民體系的擴大,特別是在十九世紀末期的擴大,被激進經濟學家看作是國內剝削在世界范圍的符合邏輯的延伸。

Thus from a purely logical standpoint those concepts retained in the later writings clearly imply radically different meanings from their earlier usage . 這樣,從純粹邏輯的觀點看,后期著作中所保留的那些概念顯然包含著與它們的早期用法截然不同的意義。

The study of burning under the influence of small amplitude disturbances in ambient gas is a logical starting point for understanding the unsteady burning phenomena . 在周圍氣體小振幅擾動的影響下的燃燒研究,是了解非穩態燃燒現象合乎邏輯的起點。

Berg in working out a logical sequence of events in the king's aggressive programme places its conquest in 1289 or early 1290 . 伯格在確定國王侵略計劃中各項事件的合乎邏輯的先后次序時,把征服異地的年代定為1289年或1290年初。

that is, during clock Ф2 with the aid of clock Ф1, the logical information of the input is stored into the memory element. 這就是說,在時鐘2期間,在時鐘1的作用下,使輸入的邏輯信息存入存貯元件中。

Econometric model gives us a superior way of organizing and systematizing the forecasting process to derive a logical conclusion . 經濟計量模型給我們提供了一個把預測過程條理化,系統化的優越方法并從而得出合乎邏輯的結論。

The logical basis for the theory of the integers that euclid presented in books vii to ix of the “elements“ was woefully deficient . 歐幾里德在《原本》的第七到第九冊中提出的整數理論的邏輯基礎是十分令人遺憾地有缺陷的。

In what seemed a logical extension, we have tried, a bit naively, to use macroscopic imagery to describe submicroscopic entities . 似乎是作為這種做法的一種邏輯推廣,我們有點天真地試圖用宏觀形象來描述亞微觀體。

They had a definite beginning far back in savagery, and a logical progress, but can have no final consummation . 它們在遙遠的蒙昧階段都曾有一個明確的起點,它們都有合乎邏輯的發展,但是它們不可能有最后的終結。

In other words, the logical extension of leatherstocking is the cowboy-hero: the simple person whose feats are brave and chivalrous . 換句話說,皮襪子必然演變為西部小說里的牧童,樸實勇敢,仗義行俠。

Progress in repellent finishes has followed logical path, from occlusive coatings to those that permit the fabric to breathe . 防護整理上沿著正確合理的道路前進,即從堵塞式涂膠進步到通風透氣的整理。

If the negotiations failed, i was the logical victimand justifiably so whatever the merits of my analysis . 如果談判失敗,我是理所當然的犧牲品這是無可非議的,不管我對問題的分析如何有道理。

If the negotiations failed, i was the logical victim-and justifiably so whatever the merits of my analysis . 如果談判失敗,我是理所當然的犧牲品--這是無可非議的,不管我對問題的分析如何有道理。

The need for a logical foundation of the number system was aggravated by the alexandrian's free use of numbers . 由于亞歷山大人隨意使用數,所以對于數系的邏輯基礎就更加顯得迫切需要。

The performance of logical networks is expressed in terms of equations that are governed by special theorems and rules . 邏輯網絡的特性可由專門的定理和規則所確定的公式來表示。

His life is a logical result of his opinions, and mine is a contemptible non sequitur . 他的一生是他的觀點的合理的結果,而我的一生卻自相矛盾,令人鄙視。

A logical next step was to be governor, a post he could have had for the asking . 下一步合乎邏輯的發展自然是當州長,這個職務他只要愿意,簡直是垂手可得。

His friends, however, thought that he would be the logical presidential candidate in 1904 . 可是,他的朋友們認為,這樣他將成為1904年當然的總統候選人。