
logic n.1.邏輯,理論學。2.推理[方法];邏輯性,條理性。...

logic bomb

On the more modern systems most of the logic is in the form of software fed into and stored in the internal memory . 在更多現代系統中,邏輯大部分以軟件形式出現,輸入和存貯在內存貯器中。

Gallic logic often tempted him to carry his postulates to extremes, unnecessarily wounding to americans . 高盧人的邏輯常常使得他把他的一些設想發展到極端,以致不必要地傷害了美國人。

What logic was in him deduced her to be individual and most distinctive from the circumstance . 在他內心深處,究竟是什么原因把她變成了一個特殊的人,一個與周圍環境格格不入的人呢?

Physical units transmit information to and from the microcomputer via appropriate interface logic . 各種實體設備能夠通過適當的接口邏輯電路對計算機傳輸(輸入或輸出)信息。

This study, initiated by the greeks and continued mainly by the french, was based on logic . 這種研究起初是由希臘人創立的,其后主要為法國人承襲,它是以邏輯為基礎的。

This program memory addressing logic is handled by a register referred to as a program counter . 程序存儲器的導址邏輯是由寄存器來實現的,這個寄存器叫程序計數器。

After all logic events have been completed, the control unit initiates the next instruction fetch . 在所有的邏輯事件完成之后,控制器再次啟動下一步指令的讀取。

It will be helpful to consider the overall logic or strategy that the cell uses to conduct its affairs . 我們首先考慮細胞生命的總邏輯或總體將是很有幫助的。

Logic and tradition demanded that the man in the field should take complete responsibility for the matter . 依情勢及慣例,由戰場負責人對該事負完全責任。

In early 1972 he had denounced all talk of compromise as “the logic of a gangster“ . 一九七二年初,他痛斥主張妥協的論調,說這統統是“強盜邏輯”。

The reader unfamiliar with matrix methods will find the logic of chapter 5 difficult to follow . 不熟悉矩陣方法的讀者會感覺第五章的思路較難領會。

In the end, no more than his predecessors would nixon escape monnet's relentless logic . 最后,尼克松同他的前任一樣,也無法躲過莫內無情的邏輯。

In the guiding ga0. 7 al 0. 3 as region, all the logic functions will be performed . 在導光的Ga07A103As區域中,能執行全部的邏輯功能。

In both cases history rather than logic is responsible for the actual boundaries . 在兩種情形中,實際界線主要由傳統而不是由邏輯所決定。

Actually, as far as the network logic is concerned, this causes no real problem . 實際上,僅就網絡邏輯而言,這并不會導致什么實質問題。

A microprocessor's word size also applies to logic that handles data manipulations . 一個微處理機的字長也涉及到實現數據操作的邏輯。

The most plausible instances of a priori concept are the formal concepts of logic . 先驗概念的最似乎有道理的例子是邏輯的形式概念。

The value of his work as a masterpiece of logic has been very grossly exaggerated . 說他的著作是一個邏輯的杰作,這是過于夸大了。

All science, logic and mathematics included, is a function of the epoch . 所有科學,包括邏輯學和數學在內,都是有關時代的函數。